Pool Of Rainwater...makes a pretty mirror for St. John's Lutheran Church at Willow Avenue and Seventh Street. The underlying cause was a leaf-choked culvert.
elevate view of city hall construction site; workers framing third floor.
Label on back of photo:
Iowa Work Projects Administration
Date Taken: 10/9/1939
Project No: 3779
County : Pottawattamie
City: Council Bluffs
Title: City Hall…
aerial view of the city hall construction site, workers working on 3rd floor framing.
Label on back of photo:
Iowa Works Projects Administration
Date Taken: 10/9/1939
Project No: 3779
County: Pottawattamie; City: Council Bluffs
Title: City…
Photo looking down on City Hall construction site, looking south; walls are beginning to be build on north side.
On back of photo:
New City Hall
May 2 - 1939
Fire Station . . . at Twenty-seventh Street and Broadway will be replaced by another facility on another site. At left is toy car racing establishment, formerly eyed as fire station expansion site.