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St. Albert Physics Students...construct a geodesic dome which will be used like a dome in a planetarium. Their first attempt, to which they used only metal fasteners, collapsed half-way through construction. The second time around hope string will…

Flag Flown Over presented by Rep. John R. Hansen to the Rev. Daniel Delehant, superintendent of St. Albert Catholic High School. Looking on is Mrs. Anna Brown, Americansim Chairman of the Auxiliary to Grenville M. Dodge Post 737,…

St. Albert Central Catholic High School was dedicated Sunday afternoon by Bishop Edward C. Daly, O.P. of the Des Moines diocese. Shown in the main entrance hall, left to right: the Rev. Daniel Delehant, school superintendent; Mark Wanning, altar…

Bishop Edward C. Daly...wields trowel at St. Albert's cornerstone laying. With the bishop are Dr. J.P. Cogley, general chairman of the fund drive, the Very Rev. Albert Davidsaver of Missouri Valley, acting superintendent during the school's…

Brain Bowl Winners...are from St. Albert High School this year. members of the winning team are, from let Lori Larsen, Mark Elliott (captain), Jim DeMott (coach), Tom Oberdin, and Barb Simon.

2015 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 49.

2014 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 48.

2013 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 47.

2012 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 46.

2011 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 45.

2010 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 44.

2009 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 43.

This Is Council Bluffs: Eastside Junior High School and its rustic surroundings present this view from the air. That's Bennett Avenue running across the bottom of the photo and Bonham Avenue just left of the school parking lot. At the top center,…

Aerial photo of St. Albert Catholic Hight School, looking southwest toward Gleason Avenue.

Aerial photo of St. Albert High School; McPherson Avenue runs across the upper left corner, Gleason Avenue runs from the top center to the right center of the photo.

aerial photo of Abraham Lincoln High School, looking north from Bennett Avenue and Bonham St. St. Albert High School is in the top of the photo.

The Headless Alan Poore of Lewis Central as St. Albert's Jack Stageman forces him to stand into position.

Sister of Mercy waiting inside the doors as students enter (at St. Albert High School?)

2008 Yearbook (Annual) of St. Albert High School.

Volume 42.
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