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Know Your Scenes:
This elaborate top dressing overlaps the entrance to a public school.
Answer: The entrance to Bloomer School, 2101 S. Seventh St.
Answer: The entrance to Bloomer School, 2101 S. Seventh St.
Tags: Bloomer School, Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
This sound advice from a great president is as timely today as it was a century ago. The message is carved in stone above the entrance to a public school. Can you name the location?
Answer: The north entrance to Bloomer School, Willow Ave. and…
Answer: The north entrance to Bloomer School, Willow Ave. and…
Tags: Bloomer School, Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
Since 1924, this clock and the building that supports it have carried on a proud tradition dating back to the early days of education in Council Bluffs. Can you identify the location?
Answer: The clock rests above the entrance to Bloomer School,…
Answer: The clock rests above the entrance to Bloomer School,…
Tags: Bloomer School, Know Your Scenes
Council Bluffs Schools--Bloomer School
C.B. Schools--Bloomer Elementary School
Bloomer Junior High School
210 S. 7th
Bloomer Junior High School
210 S. 7th
Board opposes Christie on building repairs
Construction of an addition and renovation at Bloomer School is part of a $6.5 million project proposed for our elementary buildings in the Council Bluffs Community School District in the next two years. Renovation is also proposed for Walnut…
Arson fire at Bloomer causes smoke damage
Debris covers a hole...burned into a wood layer of classroom floor in Bloomer School. Fire investigators said smoke caused extensive damage, fire officials said. Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.
Tags: arson, Bloomer School, Council Bluffs Schools, Fires, schools
Bloomer has a birthday
Bloomer School will begin celebrating its 100th anniversary soon.
Maintenance At Bloomer School
Maintenance At Bloomer School...includes changing of worn out lamps in the lighting system. George Knudson, 204 West Orchard Ave., handles this job. Buildings and grounds Supervisor Bill Ross explained that many of maintenance jobs done in the…
A Cute Little Man At Bloomer School
Looking Over "Norman Knight"...the mascot of Bloomer School, are new administrators Jim Howard, principal; Jesse Fitch, curriculum director, and Melvin Johnson, assistant principal.
Checking The Clock
Checking The Clock...on top of the school are John Kilkenney, Bloomer custodian, and Earl Parchert, director of buildings and grounds for the Council Bluffs schools. The works of the clock are housed in a little house behind the clock. Parchert…
Clock Doesn't Tock
The old clock located atop Bloomer School has been silent for at least the past ten years, registering a constant 8:20 time for those who spot it. About 10 years ago, Bill Sterbens of ABC Electric, said his firm attempted to get the old clock going.…
Tags: Bloomer School, clocks, Council Bluffs School, schools
Council Bluffs Schools--Bloomer School
photo of Bloomer School, looking northeast from the corner of South 7th Street and Willow Avenue
Council Bluffs Schools--Bloomer School
photo of Bloomer School, looking northeast from corner of South 7th Street and Willow Avenue
Council Bluffs Aerial Views
Aerial photo of downtown Council Bluffs, looking southwest toward the Union Pacific Roundhouse from 2nd and West Broadway. Landmarks pictured include Hinky Dinky Store, Bennett Building, city Auditorium, old Washington School, Bloomer School, old…
Today...a new Bloomer School stands on the site and it stretches much farther west along Willow Avenue than the old building. The playground was extended to take in property formerly occupied by homes. The Eighteenth Amendment has been repealed,…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Activities of prohibitionists on Willow Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, are shown on this postcard picture published in 1919. The demonstration against the sale of liquor was made in front of Bloomer…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Bloomer School building at the corner of Willow Ave. and South Seventh St., is shown as it appeared on the original dedication program of August 26, 1881. Accompanying this picture of the new school was the program and,…
Tags: Bloomer School, schools, Willow and 7th
Today...modern Bloomer School stands in the same location at Willow Ave. and 7th St. It was build just 30 years ago when the old school was removed. The old illustrated booklet on Council Bluffs comes from Anita Baum, 515 4th St., and is part of a…
Tags: Bloomer School, schools, Willow and 7th
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Bloomer School, as shown in a booklet "Council Bluffs of 1889" was one of 15 buildings then in the public school system which cost the city the sum total of $215,800. (That's considerably less than a single building…
Tags: Bloomer School, schools, Willow and 7th