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Dodge Light Guard Armory

Armory, CB (Dodge Light Guard/National Guard Armory)

Auditoriums C686j.jpg
Photograph of the Council Bluffs Auditorium during National Horticultural Congress. December 15, 1908.

Three postcards depicting the Council Bluffs Auditorium.

Two postcards of the Council Bluffs Auto Co.

photo of the Council Bluffs Mutual Building and Loan Association's building at 133 Pearl Street. Murals on the outer wall.

New law won't change C.B. bank operations. September 1, 1988


Societies C686a.jpg
Photographs of the Council Bluffs bookfellows.


Aerial C686.tif
Bird's eye view of business section. Shows Old Ogden Hotel in left foreground and Old High School in background

Photograph of the Council Bluffs Canning Works on corner of Tenth Avenue and Twelfth Street

Events C686.tif
Postcard of the Council Bluffs Carnival Parade. Features Dr. Donald MacRae (front with white horse), George Van Brunt, Mac Hanchett (holding banner), unknown, Bill Douglas, unknown, George Wright, Pat McBride, Harry Haas?, Bill Coppock, V. T.…

Fire Department Central Station.tif
Photographs of Council Bluffs Central Fire Station

In 1887, the junction of Main and Pearl Streets looked like this. The little building that looks like a popcorn stand was the city scales. There were hitching posts along the streets and all wiring was suspended on cross-arm poles. There were…

Citizens in derby hats and high button shoes stood stiffly in front of the old First National Bank in this 1887 picture. The Kimball and Champ Building stood at the corner of Main St. and Broadway. The First National was one of the earliest city…

The west side of Main Street was lined with small shops, stores and office in 1887. At the corner of Main and First Avenue, center, stood a banking house and on the south corner the "Excelsior Gallery" A sign across the street at lower right said…

In 1887, St. Francis Xavier Academy stood at the corner of Seventh St. and Fifth Ave. The building, then surrounded by young trees and a white rail fence, was used as an exclusive girls school which attracted students from all over the Midwest. At…

It was November, 1885. At Pearl and Broadway stood the New Pacific Hotel where citizens gathered to discuss a new-fangled electric trolley line in Baltimore and the activities of Geronimo on the western plains. One year later Council Bluffs became…

This is the way the Glen Avenue water reservoir appeared in 1887. Although fenced, the open body of water was the scene of several drownings. Note the wooden stairway leading up to the reservoir and the house at right.
[photo print is captioned:…
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