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Today...lined up in the same spot for this picture is the second platoon of Company A, of the Abraham Lincoln High School ROTC unit. Cadet Lt. Charles Smith, at left, is in charge. Note the similarity in houses that match. At extreme left is the…
Today...several changes are noticeable from the same bluff east of Pierce and Bluff Streets. The church tower at the right is the same. At the extreme left is the Bennett Building. Large shade trees now obscure many buildings, both old and new.
Today...the Kimball Elevator plant has grown. While part of the buildings have the same shape, the main building in foreground was reconstructed on the same site in 1930. The section at right was added to the original buildings in 1899. The company…
Today auto parking lot replaces the wood yard at 615 S. Main St., and an auto repair shop occupies the former drug building. Smooth paving covers the street.
Today...the Park building, center, dominates the scene. The City Hall, nearly hidden because of the setback from the street, has replaced the Merriam block. The Nonpareil replaced the Brown block. At the extreme right, the E.H. Lougee Co. occupies…
Today...a new building has replaced the old machine shop, now houses the parcel post station on a temporary basis while the Chieftain Van and Storage uses the old garage building. The same tower on Central Fire Station shows at left.
Today...a modern masonry structure at Twenty-eighth St. and Avenue A houses the office and storage barns of the Council Bluffs Transit Co. Changeover from electric street cars to buses has eliminated the need for the many rails and switches that…
Today...after a face lifting in 1941, the Liberty Theater looks like this. There have been slight changes in adjoining buildings. Over the years, admission prices have changed with the times. So have the automobiles
Today...the floating docks of the Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club are partly lying on the bottom of Lake Manawa, due to the low water level. The lake, which has been rising this last month, is still several feet below normal. When the lake has…
Today...the same stretch of Broadway has a modernized appearance. The buses, at lower left, have replaced the streetcars. And automobiles are everywhere. Few buildings remain that can be compared with those in the old picture. Missing are the…
Tags: 409 Broadway, 409 West Broadway, 412 Broadway, 412 West Broadway, 419 Broadway, 419 West Broadway, 420 Broadway, 420 West Broadway, B&G Hosiery Shop, Broadway, Broadway and 4th, Buck's Shoes, Council Bluffs Savings Bank, Edna Kline Beauty Salon, Joe Smith and Company, Picky Nicky Cafe, West Broadway
Today...the scene has changed considerably. Streetcars no longer rumble into the park and the refreshment stand and brick sidewalks have disappeared. In their place, park officials have established a beautiful flower garden and lawn, which catch…
Tags: Fairmount Park
Today...the frontage site of the once-popular amusement park has been built up entirely of private dwellings. Private docks, at right, extend into the dry part of the lake bed, where the large boat docks of the streetcar company once stood.
Tags: docks, Lake Manawa
Today...the same section of Pearl Street, with many noticeable changes during the past 26 years. At left, The Nonpareil building replaces the old one following a fire. Trees in the older picture have since grown up and been removed.
Today...the same block has changed considerably within the last 21 years. overhead trolley wires and brick paving have disappeared. The old fire station was removed for a grocery store, the garages have new fronts, and a laundry service building…
Today...the city's newest offstreet parking lot is ready for operation on the site of the former Quaker Baking Co. at Scott and Mynster Streets. Parking meters will be installed on the posts. The First Christian Church as at the left.
Today...the southeast corner of Pierce and Stutsman Streets is a residential area. The IOOF lodge is in much larger quarters at 400 W. Broadway. This is another of the many changes that are constantly taking place in Council Bluffs.
Tags: homes, Pierce and Stutsman Streets
Today...on the historic site of the old Clawsen property--and one of Council Bluffs' oldest building spots--stands a bowling alley, used car lot and ice cream store. This picture looks southeast at the intersection of Broadway and State Street.…
Today...The South shore of Lake Manawa furnishes only fishing and picnicking facilities. It is kept up by the state conservation commission and is without buildings of any sort. Here, looking toward the lake from the state park area, are some of…
Tags: Lake Manawa, South Shore
Today...the same area reveals a lot of changes. The Public Library is surrounded with nice shade trees and automobiles replace the streetcars and horse drawn wagon. And new buildings have been added. The five-story structure is the Park building. …
Tags: Beno's, city hall, Park Building, Pearl Street, Public Library
Today...after two remodeling jobs, the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church looks like this. The church was first remodeled about 1906; then again in 1924, when the brickwork was added. And today, both streets are smoothly paved.