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Proposed Addition To Rue School...would extend south from present building with the portion containing the auditorium jutting to the west. The wind would include seven new classrooms. Main entrance would still be in the old building. Sketch by G.B.…

Rue Elementary is slated to undergo $887,000 worth of renovation including construction of an addition on the west side of the building over the next two years. The proposed addition is shaded in this architects' drawing. Bloomer, Walnut Grove and…

Hand-made Tricycles...were donated to Rose Kennedy School Tuesday. Here Guy Godios, president of the Cornhusker Chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America, shows Chad Putman, 6, how to operate the tricycle. Sandra Monroe, 7, is helped by Jack…

Rose Kennedy School...may be closed due to high costs, declining enrollments and legalities, Council Bluffs School officials say. The building at 1414 W. Broadway is school for 24 severely and profoundly mentally handicapped students.

Installing Posts...for a fence around the new school for Trainable Mentally Handicapped students at Fifteenth Street and Broadway are Jerry Miran, Joe Sedlacek and Rick Suiter all of Cardinal Manufacturing of Omaha.

C.B. Schools--Roosevelt Elementary School
517 North 17th
2/14/66 Fire
11/68 New building dedicated

Theodore Roosevelt school, 1624 Avenue E, is one of the city's newest and most modern buildings.

Council_Bluffs_Schools_Peterson Elementary_09_15_1957_001.jpg
Light and Airy: Abandoning the customary monumental design of earlier school construction, the new 13-room Peterson grade school was given a "California" motif. The structure at Twenty-sixth Ave. and Ninth St., photographed from the northeast, is…

photo of Myers Elementary school, 3657 Avenue G, from across the street. Flagpole, and young girl and adult woman walking past

Viewing Plaque...honoring Ray F. Myers and other teachers are John J. Jensen, Mrs. Myers and Ray F. Myers Jr.

pen and pencil drawing, on onion skin paper, of Madison Avenue Elementary School.

Emerging From The Combination Teachers'-Custodian Madison Avenue School is Don Hiatt, custodian. The small room is located in the basement.
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