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  • Tags: Fires

Custodian Ernie Reninger...starts to clean up the mess in one of two rooms at Hoover School which were damaged by fire early Tuesday morning. Larry Dagit, school district business manager, looks over the situation.

School Holiday: A cluster of Roosevelt School students view the building after an early morning fire Monday did between 500,000 and $600,000 damage. About three quarters of the school was destroyed. Story on page 1.

Thousands of Gallons of Water...used to fight the Roosevelt School fire left steps, the school grounds and streets around the gutted building covered with ice. Firemen fought the blaze in mid-teen temperatures. Other photo on page 2.

Extreme Heat...from the fire that did between $500,000 and $600,00 damage to Roosevelt School left the interior of the old section twisted. A newer section, completed in 1953, suffered extensive smoke and water damage.

Debris covers a hole...burned into a wood layer of classroom floor in Bloomer School. Fire investigators said smoke caused extensive damage, fire officials said. Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.

Convalescent and Rest Homes
Includes fire at C.B. Conv. Home
501 Frank 2/13/57

The Dead...are carried down the sloping yard of the Convalescent Home to the ambulances below. Spectators helped firemen battle the blaze and care for the injured persons.

Source of the Fire...that claimed 14 lives is pointed out by Fire Chief Waldo Merrill. Arrow points to electric wiring surrounded by charred wood.

An estimated $250,000 damage resulted in a fire which swept through the West Heights Manor rest home under construction at Clarinda. Fire started in the center core of the structure which housed the kitchen, dining area, administrative offices and…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--For variety we have the "back yard" of business block at Broadway and Scott St. as seen from the rear of buildings at First Ave. and Pearl St. Just what had burned is not certain, but the date was April, 1910.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1923, fire destroyed the Rogers building on the left and the Brown block, center. The old Nonpareil building is on extreme right. The picture was taken on the Main St. side of the block between Willow and First…

Before Firefighters Arrived...the wooden elevators of the Bluffs Elevator Co. were a wall of flame. George R. Cockle photographed this scene standing on a locomotive about 300 yards from the fire. It was taken about 5 minutes after the initial…

Fire Shines Brightly . . . through the windows of the Katelman Brothers warehouse as it gits the interior of the two-story building.

Firefighters inspect the house Thursday afternoon when embers in the living room reignited and began smoldering. Authorities said Friday that the fire started in wiring near the charred area above the garage door.

Fires In C.B. File #2 (01-01-1979 to 12-31-1988)

Policemen Guard . . . the ruins of Kirn Junior High School which was extensively damaged by fire early Sunday. This view is looking toward Fifth Avenue and Third Street. The fire is believed to have started in an art room on the third floor at this…

Cleanup Started Thursday . . . to remove rubble from the fire that destroyed Ranks Department Store. Debris from the fallen walls of the building at 325 W. Broadway was scattered half way across Broadway blocking the eastbound traffic lane. City…

Spraying The Smoldering Remains . . . of the Ranks Department Store, 325 W. Broadway, are members of the Council Bluffs Fire Department. The fire, which was discovered about 1 a.m., destroyed the building and an adjoining two-story complex, and…

Fires In C.B. File #1 (to 12-30-1978)
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