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Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the northwest corner of Twentieth Street and Avenue A as it appeared in 1910. Streetcars clattered along Avenue A and building sites were readily available. This old picture is from the album of Mr. and Mrs.…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This brick residence at 140 Benton St. belonged originally to John Hammer, a contractor, who constructed many downtown buildings including the Ogden Hotel. The picture taken about 1906 is from an album belonging to…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Some 60 years ago, the bluffs one mile south of the city looked like this. This picture, one of a series of old stereo views, is from a collection owned by Harland Collins of 301 Morningside Ave.


Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The Kinsman Monument in Fairview Cemetery looked like this before the granite shaft was added by "his Comrades, Citizens, and School Children of Council Bluffs" in 1902. The picture age unknown, was made from an old…

Today...the Elks Club building looks about the same, although it has undergone much interior remodeling within the last 50 years. At the left, the Council Bluffs Clinic has replaced the two houses. And the Hotel Chieftain now stands on the site of…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Looking east along Broadway from Fourth Street in 1900, the only traffic was two street cards and few horse-drawn buggies. At that time The Nonpareil occupied the building now known as the IOOF Temple. The postal…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Some 80 years ago this picture was snapped of the Robert Budatz Meat Market on East Broadway. the man at left was called "Cyclone." Budatz, the owner, is at the far right. Note how the meat was displayed outside. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is Scott Street after a hail storm in August, 1924. The picture taken from the southwest shows the Indian Creek bridge and Quaker Baking building--with the fire station tower at upper right. An ancient roadster…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Sanitary hairdressing Parlors, at 122 South Main, and its proprietor, Mrs. Sarah Pierce, at left, is reported to have been one of the first hair dressing shops in the city. The old picture is from Mrs. Helen Sherman…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The is the Grape Growers Assn. plant as it appeared in 1912 at the southwest corner of Ninth Ave. and Seventh St. The association dates back to 1893. This picture appeared in a Southwestern Iowa booklet entitled "The…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This panoramic view at Main St. and Broadway (right) appears on a double postal card, published about 1900. The photo obviously was made with an old-fashioned camera that revolved to cover more than the 90-degree…

There was snow on the ground when this picture was taken during the funeral procession of Dr. Donald Macrae Jr. in January of 1932. This is Broadway, looking west from Oak Street. Only commercial buildings along this section of Broadway were the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Back in the 1920's, Gilbert's pond at Big Lake was used as a municipal swimming pool. This was one of the city's most popular play areas. Note the high bluffs, east of the North Eighth Street road, in the background. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is how Glen Avenue looked from Broadway in 1888. On the Broadway corner, left, is the home of Ira Platner. Other homes are barely visible on up the hill. This fine old picture was loaned by Mrs. V. P. Laustrup,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: A look at Pearl Street south from Broadway in the early 1900s shows that the horse and buggy and the high-wheeled street car were the principal means of transportation. And women were wearing dresses which practically…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: In 1887 the booklet, "Council Bluffs Illustrated," carried this view of the residence, left, owned by G. H. Champ. And the city directory for that year listed the address as 246 Fletcher Ave. Champ was an investment…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This was the residence of Conrad Geise, some 73 years ago. The picture appeared in the Illustrated Atlas of Pottawattamie County, published in 1885. Geise, a bottler and brewer, lived on Frank Street, near Harmony. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Activities of prohibitionists on Willow Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, are shown on this postcard picture published in 1919. The demonstration against the sale of liquor was made in front of Bloomer…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The return of the 51st Regiment of Iowa Volunteers in November 1899, was photographed at the corner of Willow Avenue and Pearl Street. Residences in the background, from left to right, were the homes of W.H.M. Pusey,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: In the early 1900s, this building at 612-18 S. Main St. housed the local warehouse of the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Comp. At that time it was one of many farm implement companies housed along South Main Street. …
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