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Bldg 4.tif
Photograph of Building #4 (Shooting Gallery) at Playland Park

Placing items . . . in a time capsule buried Monday near the new Pottawattamie County Courthouse draws interest from spectators present. Everything from slips of paper with names on them to Ms. magazine was dropped into the vault which will be opened…

Showing off the new sign with directions to his church, the Rev. Robert Nelson, 1126 Military Ave., said the sign is part of the church's effort to "get closer" to the community. The sign, donated by a local real estate firm, shows the way to First…

Admiring. . . the shrine he designed to honor Our Lady of Fatima is Msgr. N.A. Gaul. The shrine stands atop a hill at Little Flower Haven Rest Home at Earling where Msgr. Gaul resides. It is lighted nightly and the three signs, Rosary, Sacrifice and…

Private Enterprise . . . provides the only marking on Nebraska's Interstate, between Lincoln and the Missouri River bridge, that Council Bluffs lies on the western edge of Iowa.

Photograph of the Shugart-Beno Block. Northwest corner of First Avenue and Main Street. Burned December 3, 1925.

Concil Bluffs City Councilman Sam Irwin has filed a petition from 26 residents asking the city to install a sidewalk along Madison Avenue from Palmer Avenue to Bennett Avenue. There are currently no sidewalks on either side of Madison Avenue--a…

Council Bluffs City Councilman Sam Irwin has filed a petition from 26 residents asking the city to install a sidewalk along Madison Avenue from Palmer Avenue to Bennett Avenue. There are currently no sidewalks on either side of Madison Avenue--a…

The old sign designating the former Hotel Chieftain has been taken down, making way for the new Bluffs Towers in the renovated building. The 60-foot sign was taken down Tuesday. Riding a wooden box on an 85-foot dragline boom, iron workers Don and…

Mr. G.W. Kirn, former Council Bluffs school master, attests to his signature on a will of the late Drew Pearson, Washington newspaper columnist who died last month. Pearson, who spoke before Southwest Iowa Teachers here on Oct. 13, 1938, died leaving…

Main Street...of Bentley today is quiet and empty. Business places have all closed and buildings are boarded shut.

1-Simons Print  - Sioux City, Iowa.jpg
Drawing of Sioux City Iowa, 1856.

Emanuel Lutheran Church . . . located at North Seventh and Mill Streets.

City Electrician L. W. Roper, rear, and Fire Chief Waldo Merrill enter the burned out home of Mrs. Richard M. Allen at 3207 Sixth Ave. after the fire was extinguished. Four of Mrs. Allen's five children died in the blaze Wednesday night. Story on…

Site Work Is the location of the new Franklin Elementary School which will house 425 students. The structure, which is being built, at Thirty second Street and Avenue C, south of the present building, is expected to be ready for…

Showing Off Their Trophy...are Glendale teacher Yvette McCulley and four of her students who won the elementary school division of the state Problem-Solving Bowl. They are Michelle Smith, Kelly Groce, Todd Pettepier and Linda Benton.

Checking radio . . . of their emergency unit's monitoring equipment are Don Spencer, Wayne McCunn and Bob Hazelwood of the Pottawattamie County Emergency Care Division. The unit allows the paramedics to keep hospital staff alerted to a patient's…
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