Browse Items (8059 total)

Where Gunman a corner of the small waiting room of the doctor's office-home. Hole in the wall is where police dug out bullets from a battle with the gunman Wednesday morning. Dr. Hombach's daughter was standing near the corner when the…

Replacement And Relocation . . . of Fire Station No. 5, 1827 S. 8th St., is in the discussion stage, Fire Chief Norman Elgan said.

Newspaper reproduction of a photograph of a parade celebrating the homecoming of the 51st Iowa Volunteers home from the Philippines.

Printed at bottom of image: "The Returning Fifty-First Volunteers, heartily welcomed at Council Bluffs, Ia. -…

Looking At Volume . . . of Works of Luther is the Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Ebke, Ruth, 11, Stephen, 14, and Paul, 4.

Recalling His Past . . 25 years as a minister of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, is the Rev. Ebke.

Plans For Installation...are discussed in the chapel of Bethany Lutheran Home by the Rev. Emil Reinking, chaplain, and Milford Fickenscher, the home's administrator

Checking New Ordinances . . . are Mayor Elmo Hites and councilman George Clark in front of Hastings' town building.

Flying Saucer.tif
Photographs of Flying Saucer Ride, Basketball Game, Short Range Gallery, and Airplane Ride.

Baptist Church
Ridgecrest Southern
1500 High St.

Blond pews...are fine accent to redwood paneling and pastel green walls of Sanctuary

Renovating Completed...Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 1600 High St., is now ready for dedication.

Mitzi Sue, 6, and Timmie, 4, children of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Howell of Malvern, do their part to depict the spirit of the frontier during Hastings' Centennial Celebration, which began Friday and winds up Sunday. The miniature covered wagon is one of…

River looking N.tif
Panoramic photo of River bank looking North (taken from Aksarben Bridge)
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