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  • Tags: DeForest Elementary School

It was T-Shirt and Spirit Day at DeForest School today. To kick off the weekly event, PTA official Kathy DeLawter and Donna Hightower this morning present Council Bluffs School Superintendent Raj Chopra and School Principal Wendell Miller with their…

Walking Through Mud...on Eighth Avenue between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth St. are Donal and Christopher McCullough. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCullough of 2310 Eighth Ave.

Sketch Of Proposed De Forest School...shows the multi-purpose room in the left foreground. The vari-shaped windows are in the kindergarten room.

Outdoor Play Area...reserved for kindergarteners is seen through the glass of a shorth walkway. It is fenced in by a wavy "hedge" of brick to prevent running into the street. The kindergarten room is at right.

Kitchen the community room are displayed by Miss Doris Killins, the principal. Counters, sinks, a refrigerator and stove are spread across one end of the room and enclosed by a 30-foot folding door.

Ready to Leave...after classes is this group of youngsters getting coats from the open wardrobes which surround one of the two "activity areas." Halls are practically eliminated in the 13-room structure which has cost about $281,000. The square…

Adding More corners of rooms are glass partitions around doorways. Chalkboards have not been installed. Blocks at left show in the space provided for them.
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