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  • Tags: Missionaries

Adjusting The Thermostat . . . in the chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Lewis Wylie, the church's custodian, while Mrs. Ann Lutz, watches the procedure. Mrs. Lutz is meeting house librarian for the church.

Missionary Couple . . . Lyle and Thelma Price are serving a year's service in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Their mission is to work with inactive members.

Discussing Passages . . . from Bible they use in family centered meetings are Elders David Nelson and Ward Vaney.

Extracting Names . . . and other data from microfilm which dates back to 1837 in Germany are Mrs. Lola Mallory, 358 N. 1st St. and Mrs. Sandra Rice, Route 2.

Discussing World Missions . . . are Randy Beck and his younger brother, Tony Beck, elders in the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Discussing Two Books . . . which they say go hand-in-hand, the Bible and Book of Mormon, are Lydia Begay and Claudia Romney.

The Mormon Church . . . at Twenty-third St. and Avenue I is nearing completion. Only interior touches remain to be done.

Wooden Forms . . . from the new Latter Day Saints Church foundation are carried away from the structure by Herbert Graybill, left, Dick Hughes and Vinton Spencer. Gorden Beck is working in foreground.

Church Officials . . . Richard C. Stratford and Ross Weaver prepare to set the cornerstone at the new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

This Sketch . . . reveals the plan for a new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Council Bluffs. Cannon and Mullen of Salt Lake City, Utah are the architects.

Looking Over A Map . . . of the city are Gene Thorne, Gerald Gray, Paul Palmer and Don Hullinger, missionaries for the Latter Day Saints Church.
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