Browse Items (8026 total)

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1950 the big hill at the corner of Fifth Ave. and third St., known as "Gibralter" was attacked by bulldozers for the last time. The hill had been the source of thousands of yards of fill dirt over a period of many…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is 520 Pearl St., as it appeared in a city report of 1906, and was redrawn by Gail Connelly, 3325 Avenue B. At that time the building was occupied by the Evans Laundry and deliveries were made by horse and wagon.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--J.F. Wilcox Florist occupied the location at 521 W. Broadway in the 1890s. Fresh fruit and sodas were also offered by Wilcox, whose shop was decorated with flags and banners for circus day.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--When Broadway was lighted with gas lamps in 1889, the building on the southeast corner of Broadway at Main St. appears to be just one unit with store rooms on first floor and offices on the second and third floors.…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1889 The Brown Building occupied the space between Main and Pearl Streets in the middle of the 100 block. It housed a plumbing shop, city water works office as well as offices of attorneys on the second and third…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene...Here is First Baptist Church as it appeared between 1879 and 1924 at First Ave. and S. Sixth St. This building was used by the congregation for 45 years, and this picture was drawn from an old sketch by Gail Connelly,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene...Back in 1889 at First Ave and S. 28th St. the Keys Brothers operated this carriage factory, making fine carriages, buggies, spring wagons, and buck boards, which were in general use at the time.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Grand Hotel and First Ave. and Pearl St., said to be the finest hotel in the West at its opening in 1891, burned to the ground in a million dollar fire in 1925. Sketch was made by Gail Connelly, 3325 Ave. B. from an…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1868, these buildings occupied the north side of Broadway between Main and Pearl Sts. The ground floor corner office, at right, was occupied by Officer and Pusey bankers. Next were: B. Newman, clothing store;…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This two-story building at 1017 Third Ave. was the residence of apartments of W.W. Bilger in 1889, according to information published in the booklet, Council Bluffs Illustrated. Text of the book did not elaborate.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Dohany's Opera House as 554 W. Broadway, is shown as it appeared in the booklet, Council Bluffs Illustrated, published in 1889.
["Today" photography not present in the file, but the caption for the photo in the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--High on a bluff overlooking Tostevin and Graham Avenues is the residence of W.O. Gordon as it appeared in the booklet Council Bluffs Illustrated published in 1889. Typical of large homes of the times, the big brick…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in the horse and buggy days, even before the electric cars ran into Fairmount Park, the deep cut near the Graham Ave. entrance looked like this. Sketch was made by Gail Connelly, park department employe [sic],…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Broadway, looking east from Fourth St., is shown as it appeared about the turn of the century. The Nonpareil was published in the IOOF Building at that time, street cars rumbled up and down the main street, among the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Wheeler-Herald Block at 134 E. Broadway looked like this back in 1889 when this sketch appeared in the Council Bluffs Illustrated booklet. At that time, the building housed the Wheeler-Herald bottling works. Note…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Bloomer School, as shown in a booklet "Council Bluffs of 1889" was one of 15 buildings then in the public school system which cost the city the sum total of $215,800. (That's considerably less than a single building…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In the early part of the century the Bluff City Laundry, located a 22 North Main St., used a fleet of horse and wagons for delivery service with the help of one truck. Building at right was the second location of the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The old Merriam block, as viewed from Willow Ave. and Main St., was a fine three-story building, with lots of fancy trim. It housed many store rooms on the ground floor, in addition to offices, clubrooms and--at one…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Ogden House at Park Ave. and Broadway was one of the most popular places in Council Bluffs when this photo was taken 85 years ago. Note the people on the roof of the four-story structure. Oil lamps lighted the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Some 50 years ago, when this photo was taken, this old band stand was a popular part of Fairmount Park. It was located near the south entrance of the park, along the main drive. Thousands of persons attended the…
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