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CB_CD_1962 pt.1 ocr.pdf
Polk's Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County, Iowa) City Directory, 1962.

- Buyers' Guide and a complete classified business directory
- Alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens
- Complete street and avenue…

CB_CD_1961 pt.1 ocr.pdf
Polk's Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County, Iowa) City Directory, 1961.

Containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings and other business places,…

CB_CD_1959 pt.1 ocr.pdf
Polk's Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County, Iowa) City Directory, 1959.

Containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings and other business places,…

CB_CD_1957 ocr.pdf
Polk's Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County, Iowa) City Directory, 1957.

Containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings and other business places,…

CB_CD_1954 ocr.pdf
Polk's Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County, Iowa) City Directory, 1954.

Volume LIV.

Containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings and other business…

CB_CD_1952 ocr.pdf
Polk's Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County, Iowa) City Directory, 1952.

Volume LIII.

Containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings and other business…

CB_CD_1880-81_Wolfe ocr.pdf
Wolfe's Council Bluffs City Directory, 1880-81.

Containing a brief historical sketch of the city; a complete alphabetical list of all private citizens; a list of the city, county, state, district and federal officials; churches, literary and…

CB Dir 1866 Emigrants Guide start front cover end back cover ocr.pdf
Directory of the city of Council Bluffs and emigrants' guide to the gold regions of the west, 1866 by W. S. Burke.

Today...from the roof of Iowa Power and Light office building we see considerable change. Some buildings have been torn out, others remodeled, and still others with additions added. Scott St. appears at upper right

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--For variety we have the "back yard" of business block at Broadway and Scott St. as seen from the rear of buildings at First Ave. and Pearl St. Just what had burned is not certain, but the date was April, 1910.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--About 1890, when the William Welch transfer and storage office was in a one story brick building at 16 N. Main St., and the Morehouse printing office occupied the building at 18 N. Main, all delivery service was by…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Only five years ago Broadway, west from Ninth St., looked like this, with business buildings, brick paving and lots of railroad tracks to cross. In the foreground are the rails of the street car company.

Today...this three story brick building, now wearing its second front, replaced the old two-story frame building at 546-548 West Broadway, is part of the J.C. Penney Store. The old picture comes from Sam Katelman, owner of the building and…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This frame building at 546-548 West Broadway was a popular spot here in 1883, with the M. Marcus Clothing Store at right, and Mrs. Metcalf's [sic] Millinery Store at left.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is Broadway as it appeared in 1969, according to a penciled note on the original stereo view card. Shown is the section between Market and Madison Streets, now N. Second and N. First Streets. A check of old city…

Today...the same corner has been revamped, with part of the original building now housing a super market, with parking lot in front. All the building which had occupied Broadway frontage has been removed.
["Council Bluffs Changing Scene" photo…

Today...the same corner is the location of a service Station and a modern business building. This change took place several years ago, but many person about Council Bluffs still remember the old buildings.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is 520 Pearl St., as it appeared in a city report of 1906, and was redrawn by Gail Connelly, 3325 Avenue B. At that time the building was occupied by the Evans Laundry and deliveries were made by horse and wagon.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene...Back in 1889 at First Ave and S. 28th St. the Keys Brothers operated this carriage factory, making fine carriages, buggies, spring wagons, and buck boards, which were in general use at the time.
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