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  • Tags: laundries

Today...service stations are a common site [sic] in Council Bluffs. But the site of the original station at Seventh St. and Broadway has yielded to a super market parking lot and a cleaners' pickup station.

Today...on the site of the old carriage factory stands the Broadway Cleaning plant. This modern building was built in 1925 to house the cleaning establishment.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is 520 Pearl St., as it appeared in a city report of 1906, and was redrawn by Gail Connelly, 3325 Avenue B. At that time the building was occupied by the Evans Laundry and deliveries were made by horse and wagon.

Today...with some face lifting and decorating the building is still used as a laundry, including the old YMCA location. The old time picture was taken from a post card furnished by L.J. Bussey, who now operates the business.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In the early part of the century the Bluff City Laundry, located a 22 North Main St., used a fleet of horse and wagons for delivery service with the help of one truck. Building at right was the second location of theā€¦

Today...modern buildings, with auto parking space, are on the same corner. They are the Broadway Super Valu, at left, and Broadway Cleaners drivein. They are on the northwest corner of the intersection.
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