Blast area is pointed out by Bernard O'Neill and Herb Rock both of Avoca and relatives of Wilber McCown who was injured in the mishap. Rock was pulling the light switch that apparently set off the explosion. McCown landed against the furnace at left…
At Organizational Meeting. . . of Pottawattamie County Conservation Commission are its five members. They are: Dr. Leo Dick of Oakland, Robert Gronstal of Treynor, and Clyde Talley of Council Bluffs, all seated; Douglas Peters of Council Bluffs and…
Oakland firemen are shown wearing firefighting gear as a warm-up for the competition in Monday's annual Fall Festival, when firemen from throughout Southwest Iowa will take part in a water fight tournament for cash prizes.
Portions of the twin parlors . . . in the Dodge home. Much of the furniture and pictures are just as they were in the general's lifetime. Antique beauty is apparent in every section of the spacious home.
The general's desk, right . . . is shown in the room he used as an upstairs study. It adjoins his bedroom. The glass doorways lead to a sleeping porch on the south side of the home.
Mayor C.E. Myrland of Onawa snips the ribbon officially opening the Onawa-Sloan segment of Interstate Highway 29. To Mayor Myrland's right is Everett Shockey, Council Bluffs, member of the Iowa Highway Commission who shared the ribbon cutting duties.…
Crossing A Busy Intersection . . . isn't easy for a handicapped person. And to prove the point and promote community awareness of the handicapped, Police Chief Nick Sulentic attempts to cross the street as a blind person while Mayor Joseph B.…
Proposed Gunn Addition...would occupy the space shown by the dotted line, to the east and north of the present building. The two-room construction is planned so more rooms could be added in the future.