Soakingin the American sunshine . . . are Annika Ericcson and Tom Knutsson, natives of Sweden. Knutsson recently visited his girlfriend, a foreign exchange student. --Nonpareil Photo.
Sifting Through Ashes . . . for remains of shoes are, from left, Detective A.R. Danielsen, Lt. George Jorgensen, Sgt. C.E. (Pat) Moore and Detective F.A. (Mike) Kerns.
Council Bluffs Police Patrolman Mark Alba and Verro, a track dogs, are pictured during a search for an armed-robbery suspect in a field south of Crescent last month. Verro died of stress and heat exhaustion after his paw became caught in a fence at…
Like so many topless, giant redwood trees, tall steel piles reach skyward at the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. switching center site at Washington and Oakland avenues, pointing the way to a mid-1971 completion date. The view from between the…
One of the fun things Council Bluffs might be doing for the Nation's Bicentennial is painting fire hydrants in the form of cute, Revolutionary-era figures. Story and photo on page 3
One of the fun things Council Bluffs might be doing for the Nation's Bicentennial is painting fire hydrants in the form of cute, Revolutionary-era figures. Story and photo on page 3.
Shooting Pool . . . in the playroom of Jennie Edmundson Hospital's Pediatric Department is David Ross of Oakland as Mrs. Arlene More, department assistant director, watches. Play is an important part of the hospital's patient recovery program.
Looming High In the Sky . . . is the smokestack at the Iowa Power and Light Company south of Lake Manawa. The addition to the plant is expected to be completed in about one month.
Dressing Up Bayliss Park...Park Supt. John Christensen, left, Park Board member Fred Schlott and Nurseryman William Hecht look over one of the new trees being planted.