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January/February 2011 Historical Society newsletter.

At AFS fete: Area AFS students feted at Oakland Sunday, (left to right, front row: Corning, Miss Sonja Nakawaja, Thailand; Denison, Miss Dona Cella, Bissi, Italy; Walnut, Miss Marian Vranchen, The Netherlands; Red Oak, Miss Chieko Majima, Japan;…

July 2007 Historical Society newsletter.

Emptying a cornucopia . . . symbolic of abundance, are Masahiko Nemoto and Paula Ylanne who like the idea of Thanksgiving Day. -- Nonpareil Photo

March 2007 Historical Society newsletter.

Enjoying a view of the campus . . .at Thomas Jefferson High School are Mrs. C. Francis Putnam and daughter, Virginia, with Suzanne Van Well, at right. --Nonpareil Photo.

Showing pictures of her homeland . . . to her new sisters is Belgin Tekce, left. The other girls, left to right, are Gretchen, Sonia, and Kathy Walter. -- Nonpareil Photo.
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