Browse Items (8067 total)

Music K655c.tif
Photograph of the KOIL Radio studio with orchestra and performers.

Music K655a.tif
Photograph of the KOIL Radio station looking from the operator's booth into the studio.

Events K554d.tif
Knights of the Full Moon male theater group. Cast picture.

Events K554c.tif
Amateur theater.
Blackface entertainers.
Drag shows.
Council Bluffs (Iowa) -- History -- 1900-1950.
Council Bluffs (Iowa) -- History -- Photographs.

Memorial K567.tif
Photograph of the Kinsman Monument, Fairview Cemetery, Council Bluffs (Iowa).

Perkins J774k.tif
J. R. Perkins at Elks anniversary dinner. From left to right: John Helm, Don Franksen, J.R. Perkins, Judge Roe.

Perkins J774m.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins and Stella Beaman Perkins (wife) at their home, 212 Turley Ave.

Perkins J774p.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins with his grandson "Bill."

Perkins J774n.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins' 75th birthday, July 16, 1954 with J. A. Clark and Bert Helm.

Perkins J774j.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins at Elks anniversay dinner with Don Frankson.

Perkins J774i.tif
Perkins, J. R. (Jacob Randolph), 1878-1959.
Clergy -- Iowa -- Council Bluffs.
Clergy as authors.
Elks (Fraternal order).

Perkins J774h.tif
Perkins, J. R. (Jacob Randolph), 1878-1959.
Clergy -- Iowa -- Council Bluffs.
Clergy as authors.
Elks (Fraternal order).

Mayors K466.tif
Photograph of Kenneth Jensen, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1967.

Mayors J765h.tif
Drawing of J. Smith Hooten, mayor of Council Bluffs from 1857 - 1858.

Perkins J774g.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins on the occasion of his final sermon, First Congregational Church, 1947.

Perkins J774f.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins in his study.

Perkins J774e.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins at autographing party in Chicago for "Antioch Actress."

Perkins J774c.tif
Photograph of J. R. Perkins playing pool at the Elks Club.

Perkins J774d.tif
Photograph taken at Fontanelle Hotel Dec. 18, 1946 at recoginition dinner by Omaha & Council Bluffs Rotarians. Left to right, Fred Hawes, Norman Vincent Peale, Perkins and Dunbar.

Perkins J774a.tif

J. R. Perkins broadcasting at the dedication of the Golden Spike, just before the program proper. Telling the crowd about the historical setting.
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