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  • Tags: 1870

CB Dir 1869-70 start front cover end back cover ocr.pdf
J. M. Wolfe's Council Bluffs Directory for 1869-70.

Containing a description of the city, a complete alphabetical list of all business firms and private citizens, a classified business directory, city and county officers, public schools, fireā€¦

Dodge_Book 8_Part 1.pdf
General Dodge Papers - Building the South-west System - 1870-1873, Book 8

This volume has the Military and Civil Recommendations for promotion etc. of the Commanding Officers, Governors, Civil Officials and of Officers who served with [Grenvilleā€¦

Business C686f.tif
Photograph of the Council Bluffs Iron Works, machine shop

Railroads C667b.tif
Photograph of construction gang at work. Northwestern Railroad

Railroads C667a.tif
Photograph of the construction of Northwestern Railroad, near Big Lake.

Broadway B763b showing horse car track at 4th St. See note on back.tif
Photograph of Broadway and 4th Street, showing horse car tracks
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