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Readying The Nature Office...for the influx of 1, 300 Boy Scouts expected at Camp Wakonda this summer are Camp director Dale Smith of Omaha and Program Director Harvey Marshall of Mount Ayr. Nature and ecology study, field reports, and aquatics will…

Ranger Pete Jennings...surveys part of the 1,800 acre boy scout camp near Little Sioux under his care. The newly completed scout headquarters can be seen below the road. Jennings said the camp may eventually double in size and my include snow…

Winners Of Special the Trailblazer District Annual Banquet are Victor Oknewski, Mrs.. Helen Helaney, Max Lieurance, and Bill Bowlds.

Pulling A Buggy...during activities Saturday are two of the hundreds of Boy Scouts who attended the annual Scoutorama at Westfair.

Displaying Awards...received at a special recognition dinner Thursday are Southwest Iowans Peter E. Heineman, Robert E. Jungst, Evelyn M. Talbot, George E. Rose and Willis D. Frevert.

Checking Gear...which will used by Boy Scouts as they recreate the Lewis and Clark trip is Eagle Scout Scott Neal of Council Bluffs. The scouts will travel nearly 3,500 miles by canoe and foot.

Superstructure . . . of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge has gained a short reprieve from destruction due to weak members. -- Nonpareil Photo.

A Big Attraction Monday . . . at the Essex centennial parade was a float containing an old-fashioned bathtub with a live occupant. There was more than one peek over the rim but the proliferation of soap suds muddied the view. The Labor Day parade…

James Sinatra, David Dahlquist and Dale Ball look at the new sculpture in First National Bank's new sculpture garden. The sculpture, which is done around the theme of human interaction with nature, was done by Sinatra in collaboration with John…
750 GPM Seagrave 19th Ave 8th St. J. Burke, J. Lidgett

The search goes on...Saturday afternoon at the Bluffs Elevator Co. for the bodies of three missing men. It was the site of Tuesday's grain elevator explosion and fire. Nonpareil Photo by Bob McKeon.

Viewing The Mall...where there is still room for new businesses is Bob Rolain, presidents of the Midlands Mall Merchants Association and manager of Sears.

Schools S436a.tif
Photograph of the exterior of Second Ave School.

Big Sign Tells Motorists...where to turn from eastbound Broadway to reach Second Avenue via new connection near Thirty-sixth Street. Nonpareil photo by Jack Kennedy.

Photograph of the exterior of the Second Avenue School.

The Second Baptist Church, Avenue B and Twenty-second street, began as a mission in 1889...
[Photo retouched]
2nd E.U. 1951 G.M.C.

This section of East Omaha, just east of the Pottawattamie county line, looked like a scene from Venice as the Nonpareil's aerial photographer swept over it Saturday afternoon.

Making Transparencies . . . for overhead projectors is discussed by Richard Fetrow, director of the Iowa School for the Deaf media center, and student Robert Sly, a senior from Des Moines. Students from art classes help out at the center, which is in…
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