Browse Items (8059 total)

Here's a well-preserved example of enthusiasm in nineteenth century architecture, noteworthy for its emphasis on deep, overhanging eaves and fancy "gingerbread" trimming. Can you identify the building?

Answer: The building constructed in 1877 is…

There's a definite connection between this quaint cupola and law and order in Pottawattamie County. The tie-in is self-evident once you pin down the location. Can you?

Answer: The cupola crowns the Pottawattamie County jail on the courthouse…

These steps lead to one of the most historic homes in town. It was built by a man who gained national fame as a soldier and surveyor. Can you identify the scene?

Answer: The steps lead to 605 Third St., formerly the home of Gen. Grenville Dodge,…

A few centuries ago, this quaint bit of architecture might have passed as part of a medieval castle. It towers above a church in the west side of town. Recognize it?

Answer: The tower of Epworth Methodist Church, Twenty-fifth Street and Avenue B.

Without a doubt, this is the most unique barn in Southwest Iowa. Farm animals will never see the inside unless they're midgets. From the day it was built, the structure was intended to cause people trouble. It's easily spotted from West Broadway. Can…

Set against a background of neat lawns and impressive trees, this rustic entrance leads to one of the city's most secluded areas. Recognize it?

Answer: The main entrance to Cogleywood, home of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cogley.

This horn tooting chap has the perfect formula for keeping cool. He spends the summer taking a steady shower in one of the city's most popular parks. Recognize him?

Answer: One of the cherubs on the Bayliss Park Fountain.

This is an off-Broadway view of a theater. The numerals are painted on the rear of the building for the benefit of car owners. Unless you're inclined to hovel on downtown alleys, this location may be a stickler.

Answer: Parking stalls at the rear…

Timely for November is this view of a sturdy church steeple catching the tangled shadows of bare tree branches. Can you identify the steeple?

Answer: The steeple of Emanuel Lutheran Church, Seventh and Mill Streets.

One of the city's best know monument bears tribute to a teacher who became a colonel in the 23rd Iowa Infantry and was killed in a Civil War battle. Recognize the man and the monument?

Answer: The Col. William Kinsman monument in Fairview…

This ornate design swirls over the entrance to a 70-year-old house in excellent condition. The letters on the shield are VB for Van Brunt, the original owners. The present occupants are of French origin.

Answer: The ornamental design decorates…

If anyone wants to borrow a good balcony with a long background, this is it. For nearly a century it has overlooked downtown Broadway. Know the location?

Answer: The Ogden Hotel, 169 W. Broadway.

Once these doors were the main entrance to a Council Bluffs school. Some of the traffic has thinned out since a new addition was constructed. Can you identify the building?

Answer: The doors lead to the old portion of Roosevelt School, 17th St.…

The arched doorway with its simple lines and stained-glass windows leads into a church not far from the business district. Recognize it?

Answer: The main entrance to St. Patrick's Church, 233 Harmony St.

Signs like this someday will be a familiar item when the Interstate Highway is built through town. This is one of the first, guiding motorists to the superhighway junction with North Sixteenth Street. Have you seen this sign?

Answer: This sign is…

Things are not always what they seem, and this is not a throwback to the era of outdoor plumbing. Sports fans should recognize it. Do you?

Answer: The former ticket booth at Thomas Jefferson High School athletic field.

Something like this might be just the thing for the student who has a tough time recognizing geometric symbols. It's a monument to a famous man.

Answer: The object is the upper portion of the Lincoln Monument on Lafayette Avenue.

These steps were designed to save steps. They are part of a major engineering project completed within the past 10 years. Know the location?

Answer: The steps link the Broadway Viaduct with Twelfth Street.

Any resemblance between this fixture on a Council Bluffs rooftop and an upside-down nosecone on a launching pad is coincidence. Actually, it's used in the processing of seed. Can you identify it?

Answer: The cone is a dust catcher on the roof of…

People with an eye for pleasing architecture would quickly recognize this building on Washington Avenue. But identifying it from this segment above the main entrance is a bit more difficult.

Answer: The balcony is above the entrance to the First…
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