Browse Items (8053 total)

Photograph of Refreshment Pavilion and Boat Landing at Lake Manawa

After Several Moves . . . about the city, the old horse watering trough that was presented to the city by the National Humane Alliance, founded by Hermon Lee Ensign in 1907, is re-erected Tuesday at Main and Pearl streets by the City Parks…

An Early 1900s Street Scene . . . shows the original location of the horse watering trough at Broadway and Fourth Street. Horse-drawn buggies drove alongside the street cars on the cobblestone roadway. "I remember going into the old Woolworth store…

Manning the entrance of one of two swing bridges in the United States is Bernardo Benavides. The Council Bluffs span was built in 1893, and the Omaha side was built later when the river changed course. Only the Council Bluffs side is used today.

Former Grandeur . . . of the Haas house is reflected in the marble fireplace being reviewed by Charles Glasford. Both the front parlor and the dining room boasted these elaborate heating units.

Brass Light Fixture . . . being inspected by Glasford was illuminated by. It is one of the few early features to survive the passing years.

Barred Windows . . . were installed as a protection against Indians. The ancient safe once contained business records of the Haas family.

Planned Intersection . . . of Broadway, Relocated Highway 6 and a new Pierce Street connection - as yet unnamed - is shown in this drawing. Construction of the intersection and Highway 6 to near Dutch Hollow Road should be completed this November.

Remember when Broadway boasted the Continental kellar Co., Broadway Theater and The Ranks Department Store? The buildings shown in the 1950s photo were part of the downtown business district. Note the films on the theater marquee--Shirley Temple in…

Remember when the Second Avenue School, 2209 Second Ave., provided the "Three Rs' to hundreds of Council Bluffs youngsters? The school was built in 1892 and replaced in 1950 by Edison School. Note the unusual cornices in the architecture and the…

Discussing Old Pictures . . . of RLDS Church are Thomas Noffsinger, state president, and Mrs. Charles Putnam and Mrs. O.A. Currie. The late Mr. Putnam was presiding minister of Central Church from 1941-43. The late Mr. Currie was counselor and…

Report made to the Board of Park Commissioners by Chales Mulford Robinson.

With Helen Weimar, who instigated the drive for funds in the Business and Professional Women's Club, at the wheel, the Fire Rescue Squad car was delivered at Central Fire Station Friday afternoon. the care was purchased by public subscription through…

Public Utilities C686c.tif
Postcard of the reservoir in Fairmount Park.

Postcard depicting the residence of E. E. Hart, Council Bluffs, IA.

Photograph of the residence of Gen. G. M. Dodge. 605 South Third Street. Now a registered historic landmark.

Photograph of the residence of Mayor Groneweg. 140 West Washington Avenue. Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints building is on that site.

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