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Today...the same house, coolly shaded by trees, features smooth modern lines. It was completely remodeled about 1946 by Ivan Caskey, a son-in-law of the earlier owner. Principal differences are the windows, siding and removed porch. Cassidy found…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: In 1925 this property at 410 N. 6th St. had been the home of the late Mrs. Effie Poffenbarger. Judging from the "gingerbread" decorative trim it was more than 30 years old at the time. The brick sidewalks also date…
Today...on the same corner at South Seventh St. and Sixth Ave. Stands [sic] the remodeled version of the same old house. In recent years it has been known as the Charles Test Stewart home. Note that the trees in the parking appear to be the same as…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Another old Council Bluffs home was the residence of C.B. Waite pictured in a book called 'Council Bluffs Illustrated," which was published in 1887. At that time the address was listed as 634 Sixth Ave. Stewart…
Tags: 634 Sixth Avenue, C.B. Waite, homes
Today...The Kimball home has vanished. At left is an apartment house, 808 Seventh Ave., which was constructed in 1890. On the right is 802 Seventh Ave., the residence of Joseph Meis. The Kimball home was apparently razed or moved shortly before…
Today...the streetcars have vanished from Avenue A and building sites in the vicinity are few and far between. Newer homes have filled in the vacant lots. And the original house on the corner has been remodeled. Both Avenue A and Twentieth Street…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the northwest corner of Twentieth Street and Avenue A as it appeared in 1910. Streetcars clattered along Avenue A and building sites were readily available. This old picture is from the album of Mr. and Mrs.…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This brick residence at 140 Benton St. belonged originally to John Hammer, a contractor, who constructed many downtown buildings including the Ogden Hotel. The picture taken about 1906 is from an album belonging to…
Tags: 140 Benton Street, homes, John Hammer
Today: Oakland Avenue, bordered with nice shade trees and well-kept homes, is still one of the city's finest residential districts. Where horses used to trot their buggies along the wide brick street, automobiles now zip along the smooth concrete…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: In 1887 the booklet, "Council Bluffs Illustrated," carried this view of the residence, left, owned by G. H. Champ. And the city directory for that year listed the address as 246 Fletcher Ave. Champ was an investment…
Tags: 246 Fletcher Ave, G.H. Champ, homes
Today...the same view shows numerous detail changes in both properties--even in the house numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lambert occupy the corner home now listed as 254 Fletcher Ave. Mrs. M. Kucharo's home at right carries the number 250.
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This was the residence of Conrad Geise, some 73 years ago. The picture appeared in the Illustrated Atlas of Pottawattamie County, published in 1885. Geise, a bottler and brewer, lived on Frank Street, near Harmony. …
Tags: Conrad Geise, Frank Street, homes
Today...viewed from the newly paved county road, which has replaced the north and main entrance to the park, the site--like most of the park area--has become a residential development.
Tags: homes, Manawa Amusement Park
Today...the scene has changed completely. Within the last three years, huge dirt hauling machines and bulldozers have changed the face of the area. And builders have developed he site at Franklin and Bennett Avenues into a full scale suburban…
Today...the home of Edward G. Feekin stands at 148 W. Washington Ave., a much newer place than that shown at the same location in 1885. At right is the west side of the comparatively new Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.,
Tags: 148 West Washington, Edward G. Feekin, homes
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This was the home of former Mayor W.R. Vaughan, 148 W. Washington Ave., as it was shown in the Illustrated Atlas of Pottawattamie county, 1885. The old atlas belongs to Charles M. Roe, 515 Huntington Ave.
Tags: 148 West Washington, homes, W.R. Vaughan
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the home of Ed Rogers, 533 Willow Ave., as it appeared in 1910. At that time, Rogers was the proprietor of a well known saloon on Broadway. At left is the Public Library; at right, another old residence. …
Tags: 533 Willow Avenue, Ed Rogers, homes
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Back in 1908 this was the residence of J. C. Carson at 14 S. 1st St. it is the northwest corner of South First and Pierce Sts. The old picture came from Mrs. Harry Ratekin, 614 Damon St. Note the picket fence, brick…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1887, this large brick home on the northwest corner of First Ave., and Sixth St., was occupied by the E.L. Shugart family. This is one of the pictures in Council Bluffs Illustrated, which was published in 1887.…