Fire Chief Norman Elgan . . . looks on as Mayor Donald Franksen and Councilman Joseph B. Katelman hammer away to free a granite cornerstone erected in 1909 at the old Central Fire Station. The cornerstone will be placed in storage until the new…
Admiring Stone . . . to be placed in the corner of the Educational Unit at First Christian Church are Mrs. Wilbur Hummel, Richard D. Hogan, pastor, and David Peterson.
The cornerstone of the new $75.000 sanctuary of Walnut Baptist Church is placed in ceremonies Sunday. Participating in the ceremony are the Rev. Dennis DeHaan, pastor; Marvin Sanders of 2837 Avenue J, a charter member, and John Childers of 3229…
Two men holding plaque headed with "Cooper Nuclear Station" and featuring photos of Gary L. Cooper, Sr. and Gary L. Cooper, Jr.
Wording on plaque:
Nebraska Public Power District
The nuclear powered generating plant,…
Grade school students gather outside Longfellow Elementary School, where one year ago controversy erupted as a little girl with herpes was enrolled. The boycott is over and the emotion has subsided - and the girl is doing just fine, her mother's…
Clean smoke drifts from the exhaust stack at Griffin Pipe plant after being filtered through a series of some 500 dacron bags, part of the smoke abatement system. The much-discussed system which has caused considerable trouble over the past few…
Back To Work . . . at Hancock Bank are manager Willard Reineke and Mrs. Robert Hobson. They spent a frightening few minutes Monday in the vault in the background.
Abandoned Car . . . believed to have been used as a getaway vehicle by the bandit who robbed the Hancock bank is checked for clues by Identification Sgt. C.E. (Pat) Moore.