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  • Tags: Liberty Theater

Liberty Theater Building . . . is purchases by A.C. Smead for $35,000.

This is an off-Broadway view of a theater. The numerals are painted on the rear of the building for the benefit of car owners. Unless you're inclined to hovel on downtown alleys, this location may be a stickler.

Answer: Parking stalls at the rear…

Today...the scene has undergone many changes. There are new buildings, new businesses and a new street--minus the old streetcar tracks. The Strand Theater stands where the Revere Hotel did. And a cafe occupies the Bracket [sic] store site. There…

Today...after a face lifting in 1941, the Liberty Theater looks like this. There have been slight changes in adjoining buildings. Over the years, admission prices have changed with the times. So have the automobiles

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Following World War I, when the business section was decorated for the return of Unit K, the Liberty Theater and adjoining buildings on Broadway between Scott and Sixth Streets looked like this. Admissions to the…

Today...on the fourth anniversary of the flood threat, it's a different story. Instead of a surplus of water, the lack of moisture is the topic for conversation, and business goes on at normal amid dust instead of mud.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Broadway west from Scott St. took on a drab look the first week of April 1952. The city threatened by Missouri River flooding, sandbags wallowed hog-like in the center of the business district. Nearly all business…

Broadway looking east from 700 block. Among businesses pictured: Strand Theater, Liberty Theater, Wickham Building. ca 1960?
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