Browse Items (8053 total)

Charities C455a.tif
Postcard. Discovery Park, Children's Square U.S.A. Paul Goodenow Discovery Park is the heart of Children's Square U.S.A. in Council Bluffs Iowa. The educational center teaches values and life skills to children and families.

Business w663C.tif
Reproduction of an advertisement for Woodward Candy Company, showing an overview of the factory.

Business W663b.tif
Photograph of the "Woodward office gang" by a Woodward delivery truck

Business W594.tif
Photograph of the exterior of the W. L. Whitney Jr. Store, Becht Hotel is next door.

Business T535.tif
Photograph of businesses on Broadway and North 1st street in Council Blufss, Iowa. T. J. Clark, Grocer; A. S. Beck; S. Stern; Imbrie & Davidson hardware; Johnson Spratler & Co., groceries dry goods.

Business I09a.tif
Four men standing on the railroad tracks by Iowa Soda Products Company. Second from right is Harley Smith


Business Io9.tif
Group photo of construction workers wearing H. A. Quinn Lumber Company aprons. May be connected with with Iowa Soda Products Company


Business I09c.tif
Two photographs of Iowa Soda Products Company at 107 South 29th Street.

Business D484g.tif
Exterior photograph of Detroit Soda Products Company, Michigan.

Business D484f.tif
Group photograph of workers inside a soda manufacturing plant. Location unknown.


Business D484e.tif
Interior photograph of a soda manufacturing plant. Location unknown


Business D484d.tif
Group photograph of workers inside a soda plant. Location unknown


Business D484c.tif
Group photograph of workers inside a soda plant. Location unknown.


Business D484.tif
Interior of soda plant. Unknown location


Broadway L665a see note on back.tif
Reproduction of a postcard of Upper Broadway.

Broadway E547.tif
Photographic reproduction shows an etching of Broadway street in Council Bluffs (Iowa) as it looked in 1851; features street, wagon traffic, cattle, and signs: "U. S. Land Office," "Council Bluffs Bugle," and "Outfitting Goods."

Broadway B763g.tif
Postcard of Broadway looking west.

Broadway A25 Joe Smith & Co, Ted's  Card & Pen Shop, IOOF, Kinney's Shoes.tiff
Four photographs of 400 block West Broadway


Council Bluffs City Hall


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