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Busiest Road Job In Area
Biggest Single Job . . . on the Highway 2-275 construction project is the building of a box culvert to replace a bridge across a ravine south of Sidney.
Busiest Road Job In Area
Among A Dozen . . . small jobs that make the 3.2 mile project a bustling scene is this concrete culvert near the junction with Highway 42.
Shakeup In Highway Maintenance Staff - Seven Persons Involved Here
Reading A Report . . . of their discharge are Carl Cooper, seated, Jesse Poor, and Albert Neighbors, right.
Week Of Commuting For Road Engineers - Families Settled In Atlantic Now, But
New District Home . . . in Atlantic for Highway Commission men has an impressive back side.
Agree S.W. Iowa Getting Its Share Of Road Money - Legislators Learn Commission Plans
Discussing Highways . . . in Southwest Iowa are District Engineer Robert Given and Highway Commissioner Everett Shockey with legislators Rep. Scherle, Sen. Shoeman, Sen. Hoxie, Rep. Ossian, Sen. Wearin, all seated; Rep. Kluever, Rep. McElroy, …
Highway Officials Tour 'Critical Areas' Of C.B. - Inspecting Traffic Problems
Facing Highway 192 . . . inspecting group is briefed on southside traffic problems by W.D. Cairney, right. Others, from left, are Howard B. Heischer, Jo S. Stong, Robert Keir, L.M. Clauson, Robert Sutton, Robert Given and Everett Shockey. New state…
IHC Agent To Close Ship Here June 15 - After Spending $8 Million . . .
Reviewing Maps . . . of completed land acquisitions are Willis Youells and Herbert Holden, who are closing up the highway right-of-way office at 500 Mynster St.
Highway Office Opens Here - Combines Two Locations
Main Secretarial Office . . . of Iowa Highway Commission building manned by secretaries Mrs. Chris Allen and Mrs. Linda Shank.
Highway Office Opens Here - Combines Two Locations
New Resident Engineers Office . . . for Iowa Highway Commission is located at 3538 So. 4th St., on Highway 192.
Old Car Bones Are Picked Clean
Keeping up to date on auto salvage parts for late model autos is a big job. Darrell Schoening, operator of the Hi-Way 92 Auto Salvage, is quick to explain that his business is not a "junk yard." Even current models are found in the yard. Purchased…
Old Car Bones Are Picked Clean
On The Hot Line . . . Darrell Schoening talks to other members of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Auto and Truck Recyclers Association, all 25 of whom are connected to "hot line" service. He's in search for a part that's not in stock in his yard.…
Old Car Bones Are Picked Clean
End Of The Line . . . for autos that have been stripped of useable parts is in the burner where fumes and smoke are washed into a filter basin while the car is torched of all but the metal. The metals are then delivered to a junk yard.
Shenandoah Boys, Mother Reunited - A Wonderful Christmas Present
The "Happiest Family In The World" . . . will spend the "best Christmas ever" as a result of the reunion of Mrs. Elsie Rhoades Hill with her sons Mike, David and Bobbie, standing, and Richard on the lap of their new father, David Hill.
Tags: Family Reunited, Shenandoah IA
Firm In New Quarters
Hilt Truck Line, Inc., formerly of Lincoln, Neb., has moved into its new terminal and office building at Thirty-fourth Street and Fourteenth Avenue. Company officials said shop, dispatching and office facilities are in full operation, although the…
Hilt Truck Line To Build In C.B. - Plans $100,000 Terminal
Discussing Potential . . . of Hilt Truck Line, Inc., at the firm's new site in Council Bluffs are Tom Hilt, Frank Rief, Mayor Kenneth Jensen and Ronald Kiger, Chamber of Commerce representative. The firm will move here in the spring from Lincoln,…
Today...the grounds of the Christian Home, Seventh and Curtis Sts., are dotted by beautiful shade trees. The brick building on the left is the dining hall and girls dormitory. The chapel can be sees through the trees at the center. At the right is…
Tags: 7th and Curtis, Christian Home, orphanages
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1898, Stuart Brothers Wholesale Grocers occupied the big building at 24 S. Main St., left. Horses and wagons were used to deliver the merchandise. This picture is from the Trans-Mississippi and International…
Today...the west side of South Main Street, from No. 18 to 26, shows little resemblance to the picture of nearly 60 years ago. Real estate and Insurance office occupy most of the buildings. There is one resemblance, however. Note the upper part of…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Back in 1898, the Keystone Manufacturing Co. was at 1501-1507 South Main St. It was one of the first warehouses to be build in Council Bluffs as a branch plant to a major implement factory. The firm made a variety of…