Work Is enclose the Bethany Lutheran Nursing Home at Elliott Street and North Broadway, before winter weather halts outdoor construction work.
Customer Service . . . sends Monte Christensen up a (power) pole - literally. He's an installer-repairman for Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. and usually gets a birds-eye view of the neighborhoods in which he works. He says one of the biggest hazards…
Working Like A Schnapps, a St. Bernard who provides power for the V-plow guided by his master, Glen A. Gohlinghost of 232 Jordan St. They are cleaning snow from the sidewalk near their home.
This Sketch...shows plans for the renovation of the Ridgecrest Southern Baptist Chapel that will be located at 1500 High St. A.J. Carrithers of Council Bluffs is the architect.
Closed since the middle of April, the South Omaha Bridge has been undergoing major repairs with new surfacing on the deck plus cleaning and painting. Highways 92 and 275 have been detoured until the work is complete. Job Supt. George Grower of Ely…
Grading On I-80 . . . has started near Yellow Pole Road. The Mott Construction Company of Centerville is doing the grading work on the section of the interstate diagonal from Highway 6 to near Weston.
Floor Plan . . . shows various rooms of the building under construction at the New Elks Country Club. In addition to locker rooms, at the left, the building will include an office, room for mechanical equipment, lounge, kitchen and all-purpose room.…
Comforting Trapped Man...are Emergency Unit Capt. Logan Miller, Sheriff's deputies Virgil Elmore and Earl Pace. Wayne Chase holds his hand to his face.
Tangled a Highway 92 ditch wound up with the garbage truck under the auto transport. The figure in the foreground is one of Lewis Township's Volunteer Firemen, who stood by at the scene.
Franklin Youngsters...still use the playground outside their old school built in 1892. The School Board has ordered the district to reopen the old gymnasium on the right, as the new Franklin School has no gym.
Destroyed building housing the Sorey Bros. Construction Co. and the Fontenelle Frames and Upholstery Co. located along Highway 30 at the edge of Woodbine.