Browse Items (7976 total)

Main N of Broadway.tif
Two photographs of Main St. just north of Broadway

Post Office M355b.tif
Photograph of the mail terminal on 21st street in Council Bluffs (Iowa).

Post Office M355a.tif
Mail terminal at 21st street, Council Bluffs (Iowa).

Aerial V549a.tif
Aerial view of Council Bluffs from Madison St. W.E.

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Schools M335.tif
Photograph of the Madison Avenue School Picnic at Fairmount Park in Council Bluffs (Iowa), June 15, 1899. Children seated on and around bandstand.

Photographs of machines at the Lake Manawa dredging project.

Fire Fighters - 'Donia's firehouse 1-28-1959.tif
Photograph of Macedonia Fire Dept. building.

Lake M476.tif

Photograph of the "M. F. Rohrer" steamboat on Lake Manawa. Reprint of an article on the steamship on the back of photograph.

New Chamber President...Lelan Lykke presents appreciation award to Morris Miller, president of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce.

Developing Chapel . . . for outdoor services are Johnny Nolan and Donald Anderson.

First Baptist Church . . . educational wing is shown in above architect's drawing. The unit will relieve crowded conditions and beautify the church property.

The Rev. Alvin Moore . . . stands in front of one of the examples of what low income families are forced to live in.

Repairing Antique Clocks . . . has become on of (caretaker, Michael) Long's duties in taking care of the Dodge House. Cleaning the inner works of this clock helped it. The clock is on the mantle in General Dodge's library.

In His Free Time . . . (Dodge House caretaker, Michael) Long likes to examine some of the books in General Dodge's library. The picture on the desk is of Mrs. Dodge and the picture on the wall is of General Dodge.

All Plants Need . . . to be green and healthy is "TLC" (tender, loving care), (Dodge House caretaker, Michael) Long said. These plants are set up in the solarium in the Dodge House.

Postcard depicting Lover's Lane.


Fire Department Lou Lapsley.tif
Photography of Lou Lapsley and falmily, Council Bluffs Fire Department.
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