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Roller Coaster Roadbed...faces Illinois Central crewmen for two miles where rails and ties sagged of their own weight when roadbed was washed out.

Older man with cane sitting on chair, with 3 young boys sitting on the floor around him; man is speaking to the boys.

Man in work clothes and boots, lying on his back across three folding chairs next to a radiator; arms are crossed over his eyes.

Man reclining on ground cloth in makeshift shelter of sandbags.

Somehow summer-like temperatures turn lakes and streams into magnets for anyone whose hand is shaped to fit a fishing pole. Larry Jensen, 400 North Thirty-second street, and Rober Taylor, 1907 Sixth avenue, were lured to the shores of Big Lake to…

Simple Game . . . of "kick the can" helped spur interest in sports for Jane, Jeanette and Judy Jerkovich, pictured here with their basketball coach Dick McMahon. The triplets, who comprise one-half of St. Albert's team, have helped in the Saintes'…

"The Candyman" . . . and what could be sweeter than three identical sisters dressed like peppermint sticks doing a song and soft shoe to this favorite tune? Can you tell which is Judy, Jeanette and Jane? In that order they presented their number at…

Ready, Set, Go . . . the same lineup, Judy, Jeanette and Jane are fleet as deer. they ran in the city track meet Monday on relay teams and the medley 400. The girls did well in track at Gunn School in sixth grade. Prior to that they attended St.…

The Melodies Would Have To Be Pretty . . . coming from the light touch on the keys of the pretty and petite Jerkovich triplets. Judy and Jeanette are at the keyboard as Jane pleasantly awaits her turn on the 88.

Snuggled Close . . . as possible to mommy (Mrs. Charles Jerkovich) are her triplet daughters. One of their nurses, Miss Vivian Graeve of Panama, stands by to lend a helping hand. The babies will remain in incubators until their weight reaches at…

Mayor Thomas P. Hanafan carried all 23 of the city's precincts in Tuesday's election. Newcomer Jack E. Ruesch, who ousted Councilman David Tobias, carried all but the 15th and 16th Precincts. Ruesch tied with newcomer Patricia Jones in the 23rd…

Brightening the activities room of the Council Bluffs Care Center, 2452 N. Broadway, is "Rural Iowa," one of two new 24-foot-long murals created by residents during a 16-week-long Living Arts Program. The murals, painted on Masonite panels, were…

A bust of Richard Nixon has been carved out of a walnut tree by former U.S. Congressman Ben F. Jensen of Exira, and he hopes to present the image to Nixon. Jensen, shown here with the bust, served 26 years in Congress before his defeat in 1964, and…

Mrs. Jensen . . . joins Ben on their front steps for one of the two pictures taken of her during her husband's 26 years in public life.

Favorite Quotation . . . is shown by former Congressman Ben F. Jensen as he sits at his desk in his library-museum.

Within minutes after posing for this picture on the Capitol steps Friday, State Sen. Ed. Wearin, Red Oak, and U.S. Rep. Ben Jensen (R-Exira) re-entered the building and learned the President had been shot. Wearin was in Washington to testify about…
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