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  • Tags: Lincoln Monument

Flaming gas torches atop fancy iron work and fresh brick flowerbeds give the Lincoln Monument a new look. The renovated monument at Lafayette Avenue and Oakland Drive was dedicated Tuesday evening in a brief ceremony.

Unveiling . . . of the Lincoln Monument is performed by Nathan Phillips Dodge III, at right, while a National Guard color guard stands at attention at left. The plaque is a new art concept of Abraham Lincoln.

Beyond this concrete railing is an exceptional and historical view.

Answer: The railing is at the Lincoln Monument at the end of Lafayette Avenue. Abraham Lincoln used this site to view the plains below and later decided to locate the eastern…

Something like this might be just the thing for the student who has a tough time recognizing geometric symbols. It's a monument to a famous man.

Answer: The object is the upper portion of the Lincoln Monument on Lafayette Avenue.

A famous man once stood at this spot and reached a decision that changed the future of the city. This location has since become one of the top local attractions for sightseers. Can you identify the monument?

Answer: The Lincoln monument on…

Dodge_Book 21_Part 1.pdf
General Dodge Papers - 1910-1911, Book 21

The Secret Service of the Civil War.
Address on Walter I. Smith for Congress.
Purchase of C. & O. Ry by Howley Interests.
Publication of How We Built the Union Pacific by the U. S.…

Memorial A273a.tif
Postcard. Abraham Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln Park Entrance to Rohrer Park Residence District at Oakland Drive, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Photograph of the Lincoln Monument, Council Blufs, IA after renovation, July 1966.

Historic sites -- Iowa -- Council Bluffs.
Memorials -- Iowa -- Council Bluffs.
Monuments -- Iowa -- Council Bluffs.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
Council Bluffs (Iowa) -- History -- 1900-1950.
Council Bluffs (Iowa) -- History -- Photographs.
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