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Dodge_Index Book 4.pdf
General Dodge Papers - Book 4 Index

Typescripts of originals housed at the State Historical Society of Iowa.

General Dodge Papers - The War Period, Book 5
December 1864 (partial, please refer to "General Dodge Papers - Book 4 - December 1864" for the remainder)

For an index for Book 5, please refer to the "General Dodge Papers - Book 5 Index"…

New Hoover School--First Step in modern building program.
[On back of photo: COUNCIL BLUFFS< IOWA -- Herbert Hoover School was the first completed under a program to modernize educational facilities for 11,000 youngsters.

Park Board Member J. Fred Schlott and Walter J. Metscke, Planning Engineer, discuss improvement plans for city parks.

City's muddy streets are a perpetual problem. But more than 110 blocks of new pavement are on the agenda for next spring.

Collections are made at reguar [sic] intervals, and turned over to treasurer's office.

Damage to meters is Department's biggest headache; amounted to $300 last year.

Identification File contains complete information on 25,000 criminals.

Crime doesn't pay in Council Bluffs. Breaking and entering dropped of 27% in the last fiscal year.

Nerve Center of police system is this switchboard, through which complaints are received and dispatched to cruiser cars.

Dodge_Index Book 3_1863-64.pdf
General Dodge Papers - Book 3 Index

Typescripts of originals housed at the State Historical Society of Iowa.

Members Of The Juel Family . . . Barbara, a former Miss Iowa and now a resident of California, Mrs. Juel and Einer Jr., a physician in Atlantic, were reunited Wednesday night at a banquet honoring Einer P. Juel.
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