Waubonsie State Park . . . is one of Fremont County's most attractive recreation areas. The 1,129-acre state park is located on Highway 2 midway between Hamburg and Sydney.
The Knox Manufacturing Plant . . . is housed in the old Baptist Church. It was abandoned in 1959 and left to the elements and raccoons until Loren From Jr. and Donald Johnson purchased it for their furniture manufacturing plant. The only other…
Placing Springs . . . into a chair frame are Donald Johnson , Loren From Sr. and Loren From Jr., at their furniture factory in Knox. From Jr. and Johnson began the manufacturing and reupholstering plant about a year ago and are already planning an…
A Single Store . . . and many memories are all that remain of the once thriving community of Knox in Fremont County. Mrs. Lillian From operates the rural store.
A Drug Abuse Center . . . serving nine counties in Southwest Iowa may be housed in the old Hamburg Community Hospital at Hamburg. The 26-bed hospital has been vacant since the new hospital, Grape Memorial, was occupied.
Proposed Hospital . . . and extended treatment center at Hamburg as seen by the architect. The facility initially will include 40 beds in the hospital wing and 40 beds in the treatment center.
Going Up In Hamburg . . . is a combination Legion Hall and bowling lanes. And gathered on this Main Street corner are some of the men responsible for Hamburg's growth - Jack Douglas, Dick Dugan, John Gottsche and Miller Payne.