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  • Tags: National Register of Historic Places

Examining A Crumbling Wall . . . on the Hitchcock House are Doug Travis, left, and Sandy Rhoades. A fund drive is under way to restore the building.

Placed On The National Register . . . of Historic Places in 1979, the Hitchcock House is one of three sites in Cass County listed on the publication. Built about 1854, the structure was used as a hide-out for runaway slaves.

The Thomas E. Cavin House at 150 Park Ave. was recently designated a historic place.

The Martin Hughes House, 903 Third St., joined the list of Council Bluffs historical sites.

Examining Fireplace . . . in the house's formal parlor, Pashek points out its cleanliness. Either the fireplace was never used, he said, or someone scrubbed it carefully after each fire. House has only two fireplaces, but Pashek said traces of others…

Showing Off . . . his historic home is Robert A. Pashek. He and two other men are restoring the "Victorian Gothic" house at 151 Park Avenue built in 1877 for Council Bluffs businessman Lysander W. Tulleys. Their efforts were rewarded recently when…

Sitting By . . . one of three fireplaces in her restored historic home is Carole Bergquist. The fireplace is tall, mirrored and made of cherrywood. It is decorated with glassware and houseplants.

Newest Listing . . . on the National Register of Historic Places is the O.P. Wickham house, 616 N. 7th St., which has been restored by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bergquist during the three years they have lived there.

Hoping For Fortune . . . similar to that which has befallen the old YMCA building is this home at 151 Park Ave. The building, owned by Bob Pashek, is currently under consideration for the National Register of Historic Places. The owner dressed the…
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