"Three-Level" Construction...in new diesel shop enables workmen to service all parts of a unit at one time. Railroad employes [sic] are shown here taking advantage of the new idea in shop construction.
Drs. Kevin Crowley and Gary DeVoss of Cogley medical Associates go through records of geriatric patients. They are the first area physicians to successfully pass a test to certify them in geriatric medicine.
The body of David E. Rickabaugh, 35, of Sidney, Iowa, one of two men shot and killed in Glenwood Friday afternoon, lies on the street outside the residence of Sheila C. Horsman, as a photographer from the state Department of Criminal Investigation…
Viewing Sanctuary . . . of Gethsemane Church are the Rev. David Clark of Carson, Amos Armstrong, the Rev. Robert Hill, Mrs. Jerry Woods and Frank Smetana.
Two children were killed and their mothers injured when a 100-foot water storage tank collapsed and fell on their house. The tank, which had a storage capacity of 125,000 gallons, let loose a 100,000 gallon torrent of water and ice. The photo shows…
Signing Agreement...between two bus firms are James R. Kiger, president of Transit Co., seated, and James P. Lee, head of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.