Ernest Kephart, 86, and his daughter Belle Kephart of Council Bluffs are anxiously awaiting the return of their son and brother, Arnold, who recently walked to freedom after being held captive for 30 years behind the Berlin Wall.
Pottawattamie County Sheriff Mike Kerns, his wife, Nina, and 9-year-old daughter, Mandy, were greeted late Tuesday night with loud cheers from supporters gathered at election headquarters. The Kerns family arrived at the courthouse at about midnight…
Pottawattamie County Sheriff Mike Kerns won the GOP nomination Tuesday in what was the most hotly contested race of the primary election. Kerns beat challenger Glenn C. Lindgren by about 800 votes and will face Democrat Michael Pribyl in the general…
"I have a totally different admiration and respect (for Ford) after being in his shoes for a while. I would watch Lynn go through the stress and the problems and try to see how I would do things in his particular situation. Unfortunately, I only knew…
Sheriff Mike Kerns . . . examines a floral greeting he received from Lt. Kerry Cozad and his wife, Janet. It's a giant chrysanthemum designed to represent Sheriff Kerns - complete with glasses, a badge and a light dusting of gray "hair."
Jack Kennedy, chief photographer for The Nonpareil since 1934, retired Friday. To honor his 43 years of service editors selected three of his award winning photos as a small tribute . . .
This three-bedroom frame house at 3141 Ave. H, is included on a list of holdings the federal government is selling to finance the nationwide savings and loan bailout. Price of the home was not listed. The 25,908 properties on the listing range from…