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Today...the same building, after considerable "face lifting" still stands on the corner of Pearl St. and First Ave. it now houses the Prescription Center on the first floor and the U.S. District Court Clerk's Office on the second floor.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is "Middle Broadway" as it appeared in the book, "Council Bluffs Illustrated," published in 1887. These buildings on the south side of the block, between Fourth and Main Streets. Note the water trough at center.…

Hill - Mrs. Elsie Rhoades & Family - Shenandoah

Today...a vast change has taken place--the type of beach improvements as well as in the kind of garb worn by bathers. Sunshine seekers sit on the sand in front of a bathhouse. And the beach is on the west side of the lake.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The third annual National Horticultural Congress was in full swing here back in 1909, when this picture was taken. The building, which later became known as the City Auditorium, was especially erected for the show. …
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