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Discussing Two Books . . . which they say go hand-in-hand, the Bible and Book of Mormon, are Lydia Begay and Claudia Romney.

Discussing World Missions . . . are Randy Beck and his younger brother, Tony Beck, elders in the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Extracting Names . . . and other data from microfilm which dates back to 1837 in Germany are Mrs. Lola Mallory, 358 N. 1st St. and Mrs. Sandra Rice, Route 2.

Discussing Passages . . . from Bible they use in family centered meetings are Elders David Nelson and Ward Vaney.

Missionary Couple . . . Lyle and Thelma Price are serving a year's service in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Their mission is to work with inactive members.

Adjusting The Thermostat . . . in the chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Lewis Wylie, the church's custodian, while Mrs. Ann Lutz, watches the procedure. Mrs. Lutz is meeting house librarian for the church.

C.B. Schools--Eastside Junior High
(Became Abraham Lincoln High School)

Council_Bluffs_Schools_Edison Elementary_Edison_Junior_High_11_12_1950_001.jpg
The Second Floor Plan...calls for 12 classrooms and a large library. The combination gymnasium-auditorium at the east end would be a half=story below the second floor of the rest of the building because of the semi-basement rooms below it.

The First Floor Plan...calls for 12 classrooms. In addition to the manual training, domestic science and lunch rooms in the east wing. This wing would be constructed in a semi-basement fashion to provide for a boiler room and ease construction…

The Proposed Second Avenue School...would face Third avenue on the present Second Avenue school site. The 25-room brick structure would connect with the present cottage, shown at right, which would be remodeled and used as a primary unit. The…

Beautiful Main Auditorium . . . of new Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is ready for formal opening of church Sunday.

Surveying Site . . . for the new Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1951 are the Rev. V.D. Ruch; building committee members C.R. Harding, Charles Putnam and L.M. Spence; and contractor Arnold Ranch.

Cornerstone Laying Ceremonies . . . are held on Sept. 30, 1951. The crane at right is setting down the cornerstone while the crowd gives the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

M.A. Smith, Clyde R. Harding, Charles F. Putnam, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints property board members, and the Rev. Beryl V. Lycan, pastor of the RLDS Church, inspect sign placed on property recently purchased for new…

Architect's Sketch . . . of new Riverside Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be built at Twenty-ninth Street and Avenue G.

Arches Are In Place . . . and brick work is now under way for the new Riverside Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at Twenty-eighth Street and Avenue G.
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