Road and business signs...welcome eastbound visitors to Council Bluffs. Wedged in between the Second Avenue sign and the noise ordinance sign is a notice that this site will someday hold a "municipal recognition sculpture." Putting up a sign for…
Scattered weeds...peak[sic] through the sidewalks near 28th Street and Broadway as well as other spots along the strip. Weeds are not unique to any one spot along the strip.
Cracked cement and for sale signs...spell a gloomy picture on vacant buildings like this one at Pearl Street and Broadway. The handsome building has been vacant for years.
Photograph of the corner of Main and Broadway in Council Bluffs (Iowa), 1868. Features the Pacific House Hotel, P. C. DeVol Store and Officer & Pusey Bank.
Looking west from north side of Broadway and the viaduct, at about 8th or 9th Street. Land is cleared, with small mounds of dirt dotting the strip of land.