Spanning the range . . . from texts to are are old books at Council Bluffs libray. Among the volumes are a 250-year-old textbook (left), an 1814 treatise on bridge-building (right) and a controversial 1937 book of photographs from Nazi Germany's 1936…
Looking for space . . . for more old books is adult services librarian Mary Lois Nelson. Library has an undetermined number of old and rare books - including one worth perhaps $1,500 - but no place to display them to public. -Nonpareil by Jim Ebert.
Retracing the past . . . in library's historical room, staff members and researchers can use references including Gen. Grenville Dodge's personal letters and autobiography. Room's books on early Midwest have been used by scholars, authors. Another…
Actress Olivia de Havilland and actor Henry Fonda are shown in dressing room after Thursday night's opening performance of the drama "A Gift of Time," at Broadway's Barrymore Theater. - AP Wirephotos.
Cab Driver's Glasses . . . are tagged for evidence and the blood stains examined by Sheriff Roy Wichael, County Attorney Noran Davis and Deputy Sheriff Howard Nelsen. Other items found with the victim's body are in the foreground.
Held By Captors . . . at Sigourney Sunday is Robert Kenneth Hammond, 18, with Keokuk County Deputy Sheriff Keith Bryant and Highway Patrolman Donald Woods. -- AP Wirephoto
On Display the Iowa Power and Light Co. window are artifacts recovered from the sunkrn riverboat Bertrand. The boat was uncovered in the old Missouri River channel at DeSoto Bend.
For a cutting torch man, working your way to Omaha from Council Bluffs is a slow one-bold-at-a-time pace. As the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge is chopped up for scrap, traffic continues to roar across the shiny new I-480 bridge to the right. Demolition of the…
Roses for mother. . . of the four Allen boys buried Sunday in these white caskets are plucked from the sprays at her request by the Rev. Raymond Lott at the cemetery near Oakland. --Nonpareil Photo.