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  • Tags: Lewis and Clark Elementary

C.B. Schools--Lewis & Clark Elementary School
1603 Grand Avenue
1957 Replaced Harrison School--see "C.B. Schools--Early"

Reading From...a McGuffy's Readers is teacher Evelyn Hopper while student teacher Susan Ustohal, librarian Nancy Bledsoe (both near stove) and a group of fascinated students gather around the pot bellied stove to listen.

Off to quarters just completed for them at Lewis and Clark School are 19 afternoon kindergarteners leaving Harrison School Friday. Mrs. Alta Cunnan, their teacher, leads the pack trip.

Struggling Onto The Last Lap...under loads of sleeping rugs, crayons, paint, molding clay and aprons, they head across the grounds to the new building. The same boys and girls will report directly to L and C after lunch Monday. About 55 first to…

More than five acres of land were purchased Wednesday for the new four-room primary school in the Harrison District. This picture taken facing south from the intersection of Grand and De Long Avenues, shows the plot. Facing Grand, it runs in an…
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