Browse Items (8024 total)

Firemen With Hose . . . battle their way into the burning building as heavy black smoke pours skyward.

A Proposal To Raze...old Lake School on North Broadway will be presented to the School Board. The Council Bluffs schools facilities committee Tuesday approved plans to recommend razing the structure.

Vacated By The Railroad...this section of the Burlington Freight Depot will be leased to a local concern for warehouse storage.

One of Council Bluffs older landmarks, the McMillen School built in 1878, will be razed in a few weeks. The School Board is accepting bids on the demolition contract until Aug. 6. The building located at eighth [sic] Avenue and Fifteenth Street has…

Sketch of McMillen School...shows one-story unit for kindergarten and first grade with separate entrance. Entrance to other classrooms is shown at the side. Sketch by Architect B.G. Larson

Home Executive Director David Lemen...found the cornerstone included a hand-written letter from his great-great-grandfather revealing E.C. Clapp, president of the Bank of Shelby, donated $25,000 of his parents' money for the building. Other contents…

Old Carriage House . . . at residence of the late Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, looked like this in 1910. The picture was taken from Fairview Avenue.

This considered "an excellent potential location for housing the elderly. It was the site of the old Pierce Street School, which was built in 1884 and demolished in 1955. This picture was taken from the intersection at Franklin Avenue…

Making Plans . . . for an antique machinery and threshing show are A.C. Eshelman with Mrs. Roxanne Vance, who will work in the old Wilson Post Office in the background. The postal building has been renovated and moved to the Eshelman Rural Museum…

Mail Distribution . . . will once again take place in the old Wilson Post Office, now relocated to the Eshelman Rural Museum east of Elliott. A.C. Eshelman, owner of the museum and showgrounds, takes a package from Mrs. Roxanne Vance, Elliott…

Public Utilities O437.tif
Photograph of the Old Power House, 29th Street and 1st Avenue, after tornado.

The Front Section...of either the Bertrand or Cora is shown at bottom of digging site. A section of hull, at left, curves around old tree stump and boarded portion appears to be part of a deck containing a hatch (where small chain is located).

Digging For The Stern...of the riverboat is some of the equipment at the excavation site at the De Soto National Wildlife Refuge after the bow section (arrow shows location) was uncovered Thursday.

In Its Heyday...the fountain in Bayliss Square was a popular meeting place for Council Bluffs residents, young and old alike. This photo is from an old postcard.

Workmen are silhouetted against the sky at Madison School Wednesday as demolition work moved into its second day. The shingles, tarpaper and wood from the roof litters the ground in front of the 1882 structure. Demolition of the walls was to begin…

Relaxing In The King-Size Living Room . . . Mrs. Gary James and son Jason, 1 year, enjoy the space provided by converting classrooms in the old McClelland School. The living room and connecting dining room were created from two classrooms once…

It May Look . . . like a schoolhouse on the outside, but "Cottonwood Hill" instead of "McClelland School" over the door gives you a clue to the changed look of the interior. Gary James claims the brick walls of the building are three feet thick.

This Modern Kitchen . . . where Mrs. Gary James is cooking another meal for her family, certainly doesn't look like a former classroom.

Burial details and map for the Kinsman section of the Fairview Cemetery. Researched by Roy D. Linn - Graves Officer, William Kinsman Camp #23 - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

Redwood being installed to the outside walls of Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 1600 High St. Men caught on the job by the photographer were Sidney Swanson, Paul Il Ginn, Mickey Ray, and upon the scaffold, the Rev. H. E. Warren.
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