An estimated $250,000 damage resulted in a fire which swept through the West Heights Manor rest home under construction at Clarinda. Fire started in the center core of the structure which housed the kitchen, dining area, administrative offices and…
Arnold Plastics Co. employees operate a bottle-making machine in the firm's rebuilt facilities. A fire which destroyed the plant some months ago has led to more innovations.
Column of black smoke rises from the site of an explosion and fire at the United Sates Oil Works, 116 Twenty-ninth Ave. Andre Beltran, 28, died in the blast.
Black Smoke Rolls . . . from the Hoagland Lumber yard during the height of the fire. The pall of smoke triggered telephone calls to The Nonpareil from as far away as the west side of the city. - Photo by Jack Kennedy
Showing the Lappish shoes . . . she brought from Finland is Paula Ylanne. Surrounding her are the Rev. Mr. Miars, Shelly, Mrs. Miars and Jeff. --Nonpareil Photo.
Finished product . . . of big shredder is shown by Tom Hale, account executive at Alters. Old autos are reduced to clean metal more or less the size of baseballs, and read for steel mills and foundrys over the United States and abroad to be recycled…
Top To Bottom: Sail Apartments, a six-plex located at 3001 Second Ave; Place 35, low-income apartments located - as the plaque indicates - at 901 N. 35th St.; and a duplex located at 2934 and 2936 Seventh Ave.
Bottles Of Stomach Bitters...distributed from Pittsburgh, Pa., are brought out of the riverboat by Harry Sorensen, owner of his construction firm, and one of his workmen.
Rustless Hook---used by riverboat crews to move heavy freight appeared out of the hold of the ship. Kerrmit Dybsetter inspects the 16-pound, hand-forged find.