Congregation of Epworth United Methodist Church, 2447 Ave B, Council Bluffs, Iowa
This is the 2nd church building, occupied from 1909-1964.
Church historian is Fern M. Brown, 2709 Ave D, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Cornerstone Event: At cornerstone ceremony for the new $240,000 Epworth Methodist Church are Fred Jones, mason for Larsen Construction Co., Dr. J. Henry Teele, superintendent of Council Bluffs District of Methodist Churches, and Dr. Wesley W.…
Forty-Five Foot Dome . . . of heavy cedar shakes is the highlighted modern feature of the new Epworth Methodist Church located at 2447 Avenue B. The new edifice is attached to the educational unit which was completed in 1955.
Epworth Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1889 and its church was dedicated on Dec. 1 of the same year.
The first building was erected on the present site, Twenty-fifth street and Avenue B. Rev. A.A. Alexander was pastor. He was followed…
Epworth Scored A Run...following this action at third base in fourth inning Monday night when throw got away from Glendale's Dennis McIntosh. Dick Steffan finished his slide, got up and raced home before the ball was retrieved.
[Also in Daily…
Erecting Plaque . . . on Interstate Highway 29 are Arden Mulvania and Jack Richardson. The Iowa Highway Commission employees did the work on their own time.
This Aerial Photo . . . of the USDA's experimental farm three miles south of Treynor, taken before Monday's torrent, shows the breaks in terracing and consequent erosion caused by several hard-hitting rains in the last 10 days. Damage like this…
Mr. and Mrs. Folmer Jensen, Kimballton, hitched up for the Essex Centennial parade Monday along with dozens of other "pioneer folks" and "Daniel Boones." The celebration ended Labor Day.
Workers from three companies hoisted a 6,000 pound antenna for the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network (IEBN) into place Thursday afternoon. The men placed the antenna on top of a 120 foot tower at the top of Linn Avenue near the IEBN transmission…
A. Richard Gross, publisher of The Daily Nonpareil from 1969-1988, and his wife, Virginia Gross, will preside as grand marshals of the Pride Week parade Saturday, May 21. The parade is dedicated to the memory of Evelyn Ahrens and her tireless…
Once A Busy Spot...Bartlett's Burlington Railroad Depot opens only once a day now when a single train stops in the tiny Fremont County town. At the left is the garage, at the right, the grain elevator, two of the communities four businesses.