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Council Bluffs Changing Scene--At least 50 years ago, the No. 22 Fire Station at Twentieth St. and Broadway looked like this. We're not just sure what the occasion was for the decorations, but even the horses and fire wagons were shined up. …

Today...from the roof of Iowa Power and Light office building we see considerable change. Some buildings have been torn out, others remodeled, and still others with additions added. Scott St. appears at upper right

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--For variety we have the "back yard" of business block at Broadway and Scott St. as seen from the rear of buildings at First Ave. and Pearl St. Just what had burned is not certain, but the date was April, 1910.

Today...firefighters spent part of their day furthering their knowledge and education with the department's drillmaster. Studying hydraulics in the modern kitchen at Station No. 1 are Capt. Mike Gillman, left, driver L.L. Miller, drillmaster Jack…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--A firehouse scene believed to be at No. 1 station on South Main Street before 1900, finds three typical firefighters playing three handed cribbage. This photo comes from retired fireman Bud Cheyne, 412 Oakland Ave.

Today...the same block is used for garage and auto service including the spaces used as a stable in the 1923 photo. However, the modern one-story buildings replace the old two-story section.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Thirty-three years ago a garage at Fourth St. and Fifth Ave. was operated by Ed and Jess Brockman, with the frame building, center right, housing the stables for the Express company, and with the Continental-Keller…

Today...the new warehouse of Continental-Keller Furniture Co. stands on the same ground. This is a long one-story fireproof building. It replaces a warehouse that burned in 1952.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Around the turn of the century South Main Street was quite an industrial center for the city. This is a sketch of the old Deere Wells Implement Co. building at 1495 and 1601 S. Main St. It was painted by Gail…

Today...a few buildings remain the same as in the 1918 photo. For the most part, however, remodeling and new buildings have kept up with the times.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how the north side of Broadway, east of Sixth Street, looked some 37 years ago. This photo was taken by the late H.W. Hansen during a World War I parade. It belongs to a son, Ray W. Hansen of Route 2. In the…

Today...the barn has been replaced with this two-story frame building, which houses the Leeper Motor Co. The large frame house at the left is the same which appeared in the 1900 photo, but it has been replaced with brick material.
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