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The modernistic figure with the muscles, holding a sickle in one hand and a wheel in the other, typifies the agricultural and industrial resources of Southwest Iowa. Can you identify the carving?

Answer: The carving is on the west side of the…

Today...there is a trimmer, cleaner look in contrast to the 53-year-old photo. A new building houses the Council Bluffs Savings Bank, and at right is the new State Savings Bank. Other new buildings behind them were rebuilt after the Grand Hotel…

Today...the progress of 55 years is seen at a glance. The new home of the First Federal Savings and Loan Assn. occupies the corner. Beyond that the present Council Bluffs Savings Bank and the State Savings Bank continue the trim view provided by…

Today...there is hardly any comparison with the 70-year-old picture. Pearl and Broadway has a different look, with the State Savings Bank building taking up the biggest share of the picture. Gone are the horses, streetcars, and even the old trees…

Today...the State Savings Bank occupies the Shoe House site and that of several other stores that were removed from the old Everett Block in 1946. The bank building was opened in 1947. The Wickham Building is at upper right.

Today...the new State Savings Bank building stands at the 521 W. Broadway location., Built during 1946 it opened in early 1947.

Today...the same St. Peter's Church spire still stands, but the other buildings have either been rebuilt or remodeled. And this area now has modern mercury vapor lights. Beno's store occupies the old Pacific House site. Two new banks have been…

Christmas lights and snow deck downtown Broadway in jewels and ermine in this cold scene looking west from Pearl Street. The camera captured the setting with a time exposure shot Tuesday evening. Nonpareil photo by Jack Kennedy.
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