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  • Tags: Park Building

Today...Radio Station KSWI, left, and the Nonpareil occupy the site of the two burned buildings. The Nonpareil Court provides a drive between the two present structures. The Moose Lodge occupies the former Nonpareil building at the right. In the…

Today...the Park building, center, dominates the scene. The City Hall, nearly hidden because of the setback from the street, has replaced the Merriam block. The Nonpareil replaced the Brown block. At the extreme right, the E.H. Lougee Co. occupies…

Today...the same area reveals a lot of changes. The Public Library is surrounded with nice shade trees and automobiles replace the streetcars and horse drawn wagon. And new buildings have been added. The five-story structure is the Park building. …

Aerial Photo of West Broadway, looking northwest. Area of photo covers from approximately 6th Street and Willow, northeast to 1st Street/Madison Avenue. Buildings pictured include City Hall, the old Public Library, the old County Courthouse,…

Aerial photo of downtown Council Bluffs, looking north to the hospital from about 9th Avenue, bunded on the right by 7th Street. Landmarks pictured include Bayliss Park, the old courthouse, the old Public Library, Park Building, Bennett Building,…

You are gazing at the heart of Council Bluffs in this aerial photo. The camera, pointing slightly northeast, captures dozens of well known landmarks. Bayliss Square, with its X-shaped walks, dominates the lower portion of the picture. Broadway,…

Crowning the doorway of one of the larger downtown office buildings is this unique study in mortar. Do you recognize the trademark?

Answer: The concrete decoration appears above the entrance to the Park Building, 506 Willow Ave.
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