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  • Tags: Southwest Iowa

Practicing paramedic skills . . . are five members of the Council Bluffs Emergency Care Division. The "patient" is Director Wayne McCunn, who is being worked on by Larry Hazelwood, Dick Christensen, Terry Mulvania and Ronnie King (standing).…

Implement dealers . . . like this one in Harlan, are well-stocked with merchandise this time of year, but sales are dragging somewhat. Farmers in Southwest Iowa, like those everywhere, are finding money together to get -- even at today's usurious…

Nonpareil 2011 Flood Special ocr.pdf
A special issue included in the Sunday, November 13, 2011 issue of the Daily Nonpareil. It details the flooding that occurred in Council Bluffs and other Southwest Iowa cities located near the Missouri River.

Receiving a message . . . on a new high frequency two-way radio system at jennie Edmundson Hospital is Mrs. Rita Pierson, supervisor of the hospital's emergency room. She is talking directly to a technician from a Southwest Iowa ambulance en route to…

In tight farm money market. Land bank offers an alternative. March 30, 1980
Production loss expected. Federal agency offers to buy wheat at $3.99. April 8, 1980
Farm loan interest up. April 22, 1980
Isu economists discuss 1985 farm…
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