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Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1885, this Carriage Manufactory was operated by H. F. Hattenhauer at 27, 29 and 31-1/2 Fourth Street. This picture, showing a blacksmith shop at rear and wood shop at right, appeared in the Pottawattamie County…

Today...shows many changes in the last 50 years. The only building that remains in the original row is Beno's. And it has had a face lifting., The Wickham building takes in the other three structures that appeared in the old picture. A new front…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1908, Broadway at Pearl St. looked like this. There was a theater at left, then Rogers Buffet, a cigar store and Beno's. The beer wagon, with a three-team hitch, was a fairly common sight on downtown streets. …

Today... the Missouri River is calm and peaceful--thanks to dry weather and the series of dams built upstream by Army Engineers. The river level is now about one-half foot, a far cry from five years ago. Compare the levels against the Water works…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Remember the flood threat of 1952 when Council Bluffs residents--aided by volunteers from neighboring towns--turned back the raging Missouri River? This is how the Water Works intake looked that April when the river…

Today...The Mae Anderson Shop is at 23 N. Main St. The shop occupies part of the Eagles Lodge building, which carries the address of 19 N. Main St. The Eagles building was erected about 50 years ago.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Some 70 years ago, Patton's Livery Stable occupied the building at 23 N. Main St. This picture appeared in the illustrated Atlas of Pottawattamie County, published in 1885. The old Atlas now belongs to Charles m. Roe,…

Today...the northwest corner of First Ave. and Sixth St. is the site of the Shugart Apartments. The original Shugart home as moved and turned to face South Sixth Street in about 1914, when the apartment house was built. Now half a block north of…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1887, this large brick home on the northwest corner of First Ave., and Sixth St., was occupied by the E.L. Shugart family. This is one of the pictures in Council Bluffs Illustrated, which was published in 1887.…

Today...the same building, after considerable "face lifting" still stands on the corner of Pearl St. and First Ave. it now houses the Prescription Center on the first floor and the U.S. District Court Clerk's Office on the second floor.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how the building at 101 Pearl St., looked 72 years ago. It was occupied by J.W. & E.L. Squire title and abstract office, with Barke's photograph gallery on the second floor. This picture appears in the…

Today...the site of the old Grote building is used as a drive and parking lot for the Safeway Store. No sign of the ancient structure remains. A service station occupied the lot at Thomas St. and Broadway, to the left of the drive. The change in…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This old brick structure on Thomas Street, between Broadway and Pierce Street, was built by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grote Sr., who cam here in 1856. It originally was a barn and stable; then was converted into a house. …

Today...the site is occupied by the Roy A. Scofield Co. Before Scofield took over the corner, the Council Bluffs and Omaha transfer warehouse occupied the site. In excavating the elevator pit at Scofield's, workmen ran into much slag and foundry…

Part of the improvement program underway on Highway 64 between Council Bluffs and Neola is the relocation of a short section of the highway at the top of Canning Hill. The curve in the present paving will be eliminated and a new, straight section of…

'Cowpath' Shoulders . . . are being widened west of Neola as preparation for the new surfacing of "the roughest road between here and Florida."

Pondering Plans . . . for a modernized Highway 64 are Clarence Russell of Weston, Raymond Kassell of Ames, Ralph Beck of Underwood and R.M. Terry of Weston.
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